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期刊论文 | 2021 , 19 (1) , 75-79 | 动力学与控制学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

带隙 带隙 陀螺 陀螺 波调控 波调控 声子晶体 声子晶体 振动控制 振动控制



GB/T 7714 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 [J]. | 动力学与控制学报 , 2021 , 19 (1) : 75-79 .
MLA 王伟能 等. "二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究" . | 动力学与控制学报 19 . 1 (2021) : 75-79 .
APA 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 . | 动力学与控制学报 , 2021 , 19 (1) , 75-79 .
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基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , (12) , 232-248 | 工程力学
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

双小行星 双小行星 偶极子模型 偶极子模型 平衡点 平衡点 伪弧长延拓 伪弧长延拓 共振轨道族 共振轨道族



GB/T 7714 李旭 , 钱霙婧 , 杨晓东 et al. 基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究 [J]. | 工程力学 , 2021 , (12) : 232-248 .
MLA 李旭 et al. "基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究" . | 工程力学 12 (2021) : 232-248 .
APA 李旭 , 钱霙婧 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 基于偶极子模型的双小行星系统平衡点特性研究 . | 工程力学 , 2021 , (12) , 232-248 .
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二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 19 (1) , 75-79 | 王伟能
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

振动控制 振动控制 带隙 带隙 声子晶体 声子晶体 波调控 波调控 陀螺 陀螺



GB/T 7714 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 et al. 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 [J]. | 王伟能 , 2021 , 19 (1) : 75-79 .
MLA 王伟能 et al. "二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究" . | 王伟能 19 . 1 (2021) : 75-79 .
APA 王伟能 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 , 动力学与控制学报 . 二维三角陀螺声子晶体的波调控研究 . | 王伟能 , 2021 , 19 (1) , 75-79 .
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会议论文 | 2021 | 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

幅频曲线 幅频曲线 吸振器 吸振器 谐波平衡法 谐波平衡法 非线性 非线性



GB/T 7714 代秋雨 , 杨晓东 . 内嵌磁铁的硅凝胶膜吸振器的动力学特性分析 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 .
MLA 代秋雨 et al. "内嵌磁铁的硅凝胶膜吸振器的动力学特性分析" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
APA 代秋雨 , 杨晓东 . 内嵌磁铁的硅凝胶膜吸振器的动力学特性分析 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
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会议论文 | 2021 | 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

传递率 传递率 准零刚度 准零刚度 动力学方程 动力学方程



GB/T 7714 杨盼 , 杨晓东 . 准零刚度隔振器动力学建模及传递率分析 [C] //北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . 2021 .
MLA 杨盼 et al. "准零刚度隔振器动力学建模及传递率分析" 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
APA 杨盼 , 杨晓东 . 准零刚度隔振器动力学建模及传递率分析 北京力学会第二十七届学术年会论文集 . (2021) .
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Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 53 (4) , 1124-1137 | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Nonlinear science has been an important symbol in the development of modern science, especially the researches in nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear waves have extraordinary significance in solving the complex phenomena and problems encountered in various fields of natural science. In this paper, the nonlinear bending wave propagation of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary conditions is studied. Firstly, considering the geometric nonlinear effect and piezoelectric coupling effect, the nonlinear equation of the one-dimensional infinite rectangular piezoelectric laminated beams is established by using Hamiltonian principle. Secondly, the Jacobi elliptic function expansion method is used to treat the nonlinear flexural wave equation, and the corresponding shock wave solution and solitary wave solution of the nonlinear flexural wave equation are obtained in the approximate case. Last, the nonlinear Schrodinger equation is obtained by using the reduced perturbation method, and the bright and dark soliton solutions are further obtained. Moreover, the effects of external voltage and the thickness of the piezoelectric layer on the characteristics of shock wave and solitary wave as well as bright and dark solitons are studied. The results show that when the wave velocity is small, the external voltage has a great influence on the shock wave, and when the wave velocity is large, the external voltage has no effect on the solitary wave. The bright solitons and the dark solitons can be obtained by adjusting the external voltage applied to the piezoelectric laminated beam. It is found that the amplitudes of bright and dark solitons increase with the increase of external voltages. © 2021, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Press. All right reserved.

关键词 :

Acoustic wave velocity Acoustic wave velocity Control nonlinearities Control nonlinearities Laminating Laminating Nonlinear equations Nonlinear equations Perturbation techniques Perturbation techniques Piezoelectricity Piezoelectricity Schrodinger equation Schrodinger equation Shock waves Shock waves Solitons Solitons Wave equations Wave equations Wave propagation Wave propagation



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Xining , Yang, Xiaodong , Zhang, Wei . Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary [J]. | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , 2021 , 53 (4) : 1124-1137 .
MLA Zhao, Xining et al. "Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary" . | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 53 . 4 (2021) : 1124-1137 .
APA Zhao, Xining , Yang, Xiaodong , Zhang, Wei . Nonlinear bending waves of a piezoelectric laminated beam with electrical boundary . | Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , 2021 , 53 (4) , 1124-1137 .
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含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 53 (04) , 1124-1137 | 力学学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Jacobi椭圆函数 Jacobi椭圆函数 冲击波 冲击波 孤立波 孤立波 弯曲波 弯曲波 非线性薛定谔方程 非线性薛定谔方程



GB/T 7714 赵希宁 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波 [J]. | 力学学报 , 2021 , 53 (04) : 1124-1137 .
MLA 赵希宁 et al. "含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波" . | 力学学报 53 . 04 (2021) : 1124-1137 .
APA 赵希宁 , 杨晓东 , 张伟 . 含电学边界的压电层合梁的非线性弯曲波 . | 力学学报 , 2021 , 53 (04) , 1124-1137 .
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Parametric amplification performance analysis of a vibrating beam micro-gyroscope with size-dependent and fringing field effects EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 91 , 111-124 | Applied Mathematical Modelling
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this study, a parametric amplification model of a vibrating beam micro-gyroscope is established with the effects of size-dependent and fringing field taken into account. Compared with conventional electrostatic beam gyroscopes, piezoelectric films are added to the four surfaces of the rectangular beam of vibrating micro-gyroscopes. Due to piezoelectric effect, the beam will be subjected to an axial excitation, which provides parametric amplification to enlarge the transverse vibration and to enhance the sensitivity. The effects of the size-dependent, fringing field and piezoelectric voltages on static deflection, eigenvalue analysis and dynamic amplification of the vibrating beam micro-gyroscopes are investigated. The influence of damping on the stability analysis of the gyroscopic system is also studied. When the frequency of parametric excitation is twice the natural frequency of the system, it is found that higher piezoelectric AC voltage amplitudes within the stable region are given in both sense and drive directions, which may generate a better sensitivity of the vibrating beam micro-gyroscope. © 2020

关键词 :

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions Gyroscopes Gyroscopes Piezoelectricity Piezoelectricity



GB/T 7714 Li, Wei , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Zhang, Wei et al. Parametric amplification performance analysis of a vibrating beam micro-gyroscope with size-dependent and fringing field effects [J]. | Applied Mathematical Modelling , 2021 , 91 : 111-124 .
MLA Li, Wei et al. "Parametric amplification performance analysis of a vibrating beam micro-gyroscope with size-dependent and fringing field effects" . | Applied Mathematical Modelling 91 (2021) : 111-124 .
APA Li, Wei , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Zhang, Wei , Ren, Yuan . Parametric amplification performance analysis of a vibrating beam micro-gyroscope with size-dependent and fringing field effects . | Applied Mathematical Modelling , 2021 , 91 , 111-124 .
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Active tuning of elastic wave propagation in a piezoelectric metamaterial beam SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (6) | AIP ADVANCES
WoS核心集被引次数: 5
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, an active control strategy is employed to actively tune the vibration and wave propagation properties in a piezoelectric metamaterial beam. The piezoelectric actuator and sensor are periodically arranged along the piezoelectric metamaterial beam. By using the extended Hamilton principle, the governing equations for the fully coupled piezoelectric metamaterial beam are obtained. The negative proportional feedback control strategy is introduced to achieve the periodical active stiffness for the piezoelectric metamaterial beam. The band structures and natural frequencies of the proposed periodic structure are derived by the transfer matrix method, and the spectral element method is applied as numerical validation. The influences of the feedback control gain ratio, length ratio, and the number of the unit cells on natural frequencies and bandgaps are discussed. Results indicate that the natural frequencies of the system are reduced with the increase in the feedback control gain ratio and length ratio. In addition, multiple bandgaps can be generated by using the negative proportional feedback control strategy. It is found that bandwidths can be obviously broadened by selecting the proper feedback control gain ratio and length ratio. The theoretical and numerical results show that the vibration and wave propagation properties of the proposed piezoelectric metamaterial beam can be controlled by using the negative proportional feedback control strategy.



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Xi-Ning , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Zhang, Wei et al. Active tuning of elastic wave propagation in a piezoelectric metamaterial beam [J]. | AIP ADVANCES , 2021 , 11 (6) .
MLA Zhao, Xi-Ning et al. "Active tuning of elastic wave propagation in a piezoelectric metamaterial beam" . | AIP ADVANCES 11 . 6 (2021) .
APA Zhao, Xi-Ning , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Zhang, Wei , Pu, Huayan . Active tuning of elastic wave propagation in a piezoelectric metamaterial beam . | AIP ADVANCES , 2021 , 11 (6) .
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A Novel Type of Bi-Gyroscopic System Undergoing Both Rotating and Spinning Motions SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 5
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In order to explore the influence of combined gyroscopic coupling effect on the gyroscopic system, the dynamics of a beam undergoing both rotating and spinning motions as a bi-gyroscopic system is studied. The natural frequencies, modes, and stability of such a bi-gyroscopic system have been studied by the standard eigenvalue problems. The bifurcation series of frequencies and corresponding modal motions have been presented to show the gyroscopically coupled motions. The complex modes of the proposed bi-gyroscopic systems, such as whirling motions and in-plane reeling motions, have been illustrated.

关键词 :

bifurcation bifurcation bi-gyroscopic beam bi-gyroscopic beam complex modes complex modes modal analysis modal analysis rotating structure rotating structure rotor dynamics rotor dynamics spinning structure spinning structure stability stability



GB/T 7714 Yang, Ji-Hou , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Qian, Ying-Jing et al. A Novel Type of Bi-Gyroscopic System Undergoing Both Rotating and Spinning Motions [J]. | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2021 , 143 (3) .
MLA Yang, Ji-Hou et al. "A Novel Type of Bi-Gyroscopic System Undergoing Both Rotating and Spinning Motions" . | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 143 . 3 (2021) .
APA Yang, Ji-Hou , Yang, Xiao-Dong , Qian, Ying-Jing , Zhang, Wei . A Novel Type of Bi-Gyroscopic System Undergoing Both Rotating and Spinning Motions . | JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2021 , 143 (3) .
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