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高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 14 (1) , 206-212 | 田慧军
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

光二极管 光二极管 比探测率 比探测率 石墨烯 石墨烯 响应速度 响应速度



GB/T 7714 田慧军 , 刘巧莉 , 岳恒 et al. 高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器 [J]. | 田慧军 , 2021 , 14 (1) : 206-212 .
MLA 田慧军 et al. "高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器" . | 田慧军 14 . 1 (2021) : 206-212 .
APA 田慧军 , 刘巧莉 , 岳恒 , 胡安琪 , 郭霞 , 中国光学 . 高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器 . | 田慧军 , 2021 , 14 (1) , 206-212 .
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高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器(英文) CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 14 (01) , 206-212 | 中国光学
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

混合结构的石墨烯/半导体光电晶体管因其超高的响应度而备受关注。然而,该类光电晶体管通过源-漏电极测试得到的比探测率(D~*)容易受到1/f噪声的限制。本文制备了混合结构的石墨烯/GaAs光电探测器,通过源-栅电极测得D~*大约为1.82×10~(11) Jones,与通过源-漏电极测量相比,D~*提高了约500倍。这可归因于界面上肖特基势垒对载流子俘获和释放过程的屏蔽作用。此外,探测器的上升时间和下降时间分别是4 ms和37 ms,响应速度相应地提高了2个数量级。该工作为制备高比探测率和高速的光电探测器提供了一种新的思路。

关键词 :

光二极管 光二极管 响应速度 响应速度 比探测率 比探测率 石墨烯 石墨烯



GB/T 7714 田慧军 , 刘巧莉 , 岳恒 et al. 高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器(英文) [J]. | 中国光学 , 2021 , 14 (01) : 206-212 .
MLA 田慧军 et al. "高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器(英文)" . | 中国光学 14 . 01 (2021) : 206-212 .
APA 田慧军 , 刘巧莉 , 岳恒 , 胡安琪 , 郭霞 . 高比探测率和高速石墨烯/n-GaAs复合结构的光电探测器(英文) . | 中国光学 , 2021 , 14 (01) , 206-212 .
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Graphene-Microfiber and Its Application on Photonic Devices and Lasers EI
会议论文 | 2021 , 531 , 27-32 | 8th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics, IMCO 2018 and 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics, IMCO 2019
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Graphene-microfiber with the advantage of graphene material and microfiber has been hailed as a wonderful optical waveguide. In this paper, its fabrication, optical properties and applications have been presented. Here, we present our recent progress in the graphene-microfiber waveguides from photonic devices, e.g., optical polarizers and optical modulators to mode-locking in fiber laser. With the novel nanotechnology emerging, graphene-microfiber could offer new possibilities for the future optic circuits, systems and networks. © 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

关键词 :

Optical waveguides Optical waveguides Optical properties Optical properties Light modulators Light modulators Photonic devices Photonic devices Fiber lasers Fiber lasers Laser mode locking Laser mode locking Graphene devices Graphene devices Graphene Graphene Microfibers Microfibers



GB/T 7714 He, Xiaoying , Hu, Anqi , Guo, X. et al. Graphene-Microfiber and Its Application on Photonic Devices and Lasers [C] . 2021 : 27-32 .
MLA He, Xiaoying et al. "Graphene-Microfiber and Its Application on Photonic Devices and Lasers" . (2021) : 27-32 .
APA He, Xiaoying , Hu, Anqi , Guo, X. , Li, C. . Graphene-Microfiber and Its Application on Photonic Devices and Lasers . (2021) : 27-32 .
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Hybrid graphene/n-GaAs photodiodes with high specific detectivity and high speed EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 14 (1) , 206-212 | Chinese Optics
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Hybrid graphene/semiconductor phototransistors have attracted great attention because of their ultrahigh responsivity. However, the specific detectivity (D*) for such hybrid phototransistors obtained from source-drain electrodes is assumed to be 1/f noise. In this paper, D* of ~1.82×1011 Jones was achieved from source-gate electrodes. Compared with the same device which was measured from source-drain electrodes, D* was improved by ~500 times. This could be attributed to the carrier trapping and detrapping processes having been screened by the Schottky barrier at the interface. The rise and decay times were 4 ms and 37 ms, respectively. The temporal response speed also correspondingly improved by ~2 orders of magnitude. This work provides an alternative route toward light photodetectors with high specific detectivity and speed. Copyright ©2021 Chinese Optics. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Electrodes Electrodes Graphene Graphene Phototransistors Phototransistors Refractory metal compounds Refractory metal compounds Schottky barrier diodes Schottky barrier diodes



GB/T 7714 Tian, Hui-Jun , Liu, Qiao-Li , Yue, Heng et al. Hybrid graphene/n-GaAs photodiodes with high specific detectivity and high speed [J]. | Chinese Optics , 2021 , 14 (1) : 206-212 .
MLA Tian, Hui-Jun et al. "Hybrid graphene/n-GaAs photodiodes with high specific detectivity and high speed" . | Chinese Optics 14 . 1 (2021) : 206-212 .
APA Tian, Hui-Jun , Liu, Qiao-Li , Yue, Heng , Hu, An-Qi , Guo, Xia . Hybrid graphene/n-GaAs photodiodes with high specific detectivity and high speed . | Chinese Optics , 2021 , 14 (1) , 206-212 .
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Research on in-situ oxidation of the copper covered by graphene CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2020 , 11567 | Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC) Conference - Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Graphene-based photodetector with ultra-high responsivity is an important research field of low dimensional optoelectronics applications. A number of hybrid graphene/quantum dots photodetectors with high responsivity have been developed. In this paper, the in-situ oxidation of the copper covered by monolayer graphene was studied under the oxygen-rich condition. It is found that the oxidation process first occurs at the grain boundary of graphene and the oxide is Cu2O. The intensity ratio of 2D band and G band of graphene is similar to 3, and the defect D peak is absent, which indicates that the quality of graphene is not damaged during the oxidation process. The hybrid transfer-free graphene/Cu2O photodetector is fabricated by in-situ copper oxidation. Under 450 nm laser illumination, the responsivity of the photodetector is 3.8x10(6) A/W at 0.2 V. The gain is up to 1.1x10(7), which is due to the modulation of Fermi level of graphene by Cu2O quantum dots. The photodetector exhibits the specific detectivity of 3.6x10(11) Jones. This work opens a feasible pathway to develop transfer-free graphene/semiconductor photodetector with high responsivity.

关键词 :

Graphene Graphene In-situ In-situ Cuprous oxide Cuprous oxide Photodetector Photodetector Quantum dots Quantum dots



GB/T 7714 Tian, Huijun , Liu, Qiaoli , Hu, Anqi et al. Research on in-situ oxidation of the copper covered by graphene [C] . 2020 .
MLA Tian, Huijun et al. "Research on in-situ oxidation of the copper covered by graphene" . (2020) .
APA Tian, Huijun , Liu, Qiaoli , Hu, Anqi , Guo, Xia . Research on in-situ oxidation of the copper covered by graphene . (2020) .
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Interface-Induced High Responsivity in Hybrid Graphene/GaAs Photodetector SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (8) | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
WoS核心集被引次数: 38
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Photodetectors based on two-dimensional (2D)/ three-dimensional (3D) semiconductor heterojunction structures are emerging as appealing candidates for high-sensitivity applications. The performances of these hybrid photodetectors are closely correlated with their current gain mechanism. Carrier recirculation is the most commonly reported mechanism. Recently, a Fermi level alignment mechanism was proposed for 2D graphene/0-dimensional (0D) quantum dot heterostructures because of the easy Fermi level tunability of the quantum dot. In this article, an interface-induced gain mechanism using this Fermi level alignment process is proposed and identified based on a 2D graphene/3D GaAs hybrid structure with comparative measurement configurations. Because of the high surface state density of GaAs, the photo-excited holes tend to become trapped at the graphene/GaAs interface, which can easily lower the interface Fermi level and the Fermi level in graphene via an alignment process. When combined with the high carrier mobility characteristics of graphene, a maximum current gain of 2520 and responsivity of 1321 A W-1 are achieved in the devices. This study clarifies the role of the interface states in the gain characteristics of some 2D/3D hybrid devices, with results that are instructive for optimal device design.

关键词 :

GaAs GaAs graphene graphene interface-induced gain interface-induced gain photodetectors photodetectors responsivity responsivity



GB/T 7714 Tian, Huijun , Hu, Anqi , Liu, Qiaoli et al. Interface-Induced High Responsivity in Hybrid Graphene/GaAs Photodetector [J]. | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2020 , 8 (8) .
MLA Tian, Huijun et al. "Interface-Induced High Responsivity in Hybrid Graphene/GaAs Photodetector" . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 8 . 8 (2020) .
APA Tian, Huijun , Hu, Anqi , Liu, Qiaoli , He, Xiaoying , Guo, Xia . Interface-Induced High Responsivity in Hybrid Graphene/GaAs Photodetector . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2020 , 8 (8) .
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Total dose test with gamma-ray for silicon single photon avalanche diodes* SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 29 (8) | CHINESE PHYSICS B
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Gamma-ray (gamma-ray) radiation for silicon single photon avalanche diodes (Si SPADs) is evaluated, with total dose of 100 krad(Si) and dose rate of 50 rad(Si)/s by using(60)Co as the gamma-ray radiation source. The breakdown voltage, photocurrent, and gain have no obvious change after the radiation. However, both the leakage current and dark count rate increase by about one order of magnitude above the values before the radiation. Temperature-dependent current-voltage measurement results indicate that the traps caused by radiation function as generation and recombination centers. Both leakage current and dark count rate can be almost recovered after annealing at 200 degrees C for about 2 hours, which verifies the radiation damage mechanics.

关键词 :

gamma-ray radiation gamma-ray radiation radiation damage radiation damage silicon single photon avalanche diode (Si SPAD) silicon single photon avalanche diode (Si SPAD)



GB/T 7714 Liu, Qiaoli , Zhang, Haiyan , Hao, Lingxiang et al. Total dose test with gamma-ray for silicon single photon avalanche diodes* [J]. | CHINESE PHYSICS B , 2020 , 29 (8) .
MLA Liu, Qiaoli et al. "Total dose test with gamma-ray for silicon single photon avalanche diodes*" . | CHINESE PHYSICS B 29 . 8 (2020) .
APA Liu, Qiaoli , Zhang, Haiyan , Hao, Lingxiang , Hu, Anqi , Wu, Guang , Guo, Xia . Total dose test with gamma-ray for silicon single photon avalanche diodes* . | CHINESE PHYSICS B , 2020 , 29 (8) .
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Application of nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform based wavelet texture features of CT images in identification of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules [基于非下采样双树复轮廓波变换的小波纹理特征识别肺良恶性结节CT图像] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 35 (2) , 272-276 | Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
SCOPUS被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Objective: To explore the diagnostic value for benign and malignant pulmonary nodules using the wavelet texture features based on nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform (NSDTCT). Methods Texture parameters based on NSDTCT and Contourlet transform were extracted from CT images of patients with pulmonary nodules. Dimension reduction of texture features was conducted with univariate analysis and Lasso regression. The support vector machine classifiers based on these texture features for benign and malignant pulmonary nodules were constructed. ROC analysis was applied to compare the two texture extraction methods. Results For NSDTCT based features, the model based on the least number of NSDTCT texture after Lasso dimension reduction was of excellent performance, with the accuracy of 98.37% in diagnosing benign and malignant lung nodules, and the AUC was 1.00. For Contourlet transform based features, the model with all extracted texture features performed well, with the accuracy of 56.05%, and the AUC was 0.73. There was significant difference of AUC of ROC curve between the two models (Z=6.430, P<0.001). Conclusion: NSDTCT texture analysis method has good performance for diagnosing lung cancer with high classification accuracy. Copyright © 2019 by the Press of Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging and Technology.

关键词 :

Lung neoplasmas; Nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform; Support vector machine; Tomography, X-ray computed Lung neoplasmas; Nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform; Support vector machine; Tomography, X-ray computed



GB/T 7714 Ma, Y. , Han, H. , Sun, Y. et al. Application of nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform based wavelet texture features of CT images in identification of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules [基于非下采样双树复轮廓波变换的小波纹理特征识别肺良恶性结节CT图像] [J]. | Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology , 2019 , 35 (2) : 272-276 .
MLA Ma, Y. et al. "Application of nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform based wavelet texture features of CT images in identification of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules [基于非下采样双树复轮廓波变换的小波纹理特征识别肺良恶性结节CT图像]" . | Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology 35 . 2 (2019) : 272-276 .
APA Ma, Y. , Han, H. , Sun, Y. , Liang, Z. , Guo, X. . Application of nonsubsampled dual-tree complex contourlet transform based wavelet texture features of CT images in identification of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules [基于非下采样双树复轮廓波变换的小波纹理特征识别肺良恶性结节CT图像] . | Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology , 2019 , 35 (2) , 272-276 .
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The methods of analysis and calculation of the influence of the heavy vehicles on the driver in the rear vehicle Scopus
会议论文 | 2019 , 640-651 | 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals: Transportation in China - Connecting the World, CICTP 2019
SCOPUS被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This paper analyzes the potential psychological and physiological effects of heavy vehicles on the driver in the rear vehicle at basic freeway segments. First, we define the influence of the heavy vehicle on the driver in the rear vehicle. Then we studied the basic features of the influence on drivers through SP surveys. Finally, we used binomial logistic regression models and fuzzy logic to screen out significant factors and construct the calculation model for the heavy vehicle influence, respectively. We found that the influence of heavy vehicles can change the driving behavior of the rear vehicle. Moreover, passenger car drivers are more sensitive to the influence than heavy vehicle drivers. The proposed model can calculate the influence degree of the heavy vehicle quantitatively, where the factors vary for passenger car and heavy vehicle drivers. © ASCE.



GB/T 7714 Kong, D. , Guo, X. , Sun, L. et al. The methods of analysis and calculation of the influence of the heavy vehicles on the driver in the rear vehicle [C] . 2019 : 640-651 .
MLA Kong, D. et al. "The methods of analysis and calculation of the influence of the heavy vehicles on the driver in the rear vehicle" . (2019) : 640-651 .
APA Kong, D. , Guo, X. , Sun, L. , Shen, J. . The methods of analysis and calculation of the influence of the heavy vehicles on the driver in the rear vehicle . (2019) : 640-651 .
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Nonlinear dynamics of a three-phase composite materials plate with graphene Scopus
期刊论文 | 2019 , 17 (3) , 270-280 | Journal of Dynamics and Control
SCOPUS被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this paper, the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of simple supported plate structures of 1-3 type piezoelectric liber composites (MFC-GP) coated with graphene were studied. First, the nonlinear partial differential equation of the MFC-GP composite material plate was deduced based on the Reddy first-order shear deformation theory, Von Kármán displacement strain relation and Hamilton principle. Then, it was discretized into two-degree-of-freedom ordinary differential equation by the Galerkin method. Furthermore, the frequency-response equation with internal resonance 1: 1 was obtained by the multi-scale method, and the effects of volume fraction of graphene, voltage, temperature and initial phase on the frequency response curve were analyzed. Finally, the vibration response of MFC-GP composite plate was investigated by using bifurcation diagram, phase diagram and waveform through numerical simulations. The results were shown complex nonlinear vibrations of the plate with different pa-rameters and external excitations, which would have certain guiding significance for future engineering application. © 2019 Journal of Dynamics and Control. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Frequency response curve; Internal resonance; MFC-GP composite plate; Nonlinear vibration Frequency response curve; Internal resonance; MFC-GP composite plate; Nonlinear vibration



GB/T 7714 Jiang, P. , Guo, X. , Zhang, W. . Nonlinear dynamics of a three-phase composite materials plate with graphene [J]. | Journal of Dynamics and Control , 2019 , 17 (3) : 270-280 .
MLA Jiang, P. et al. "Nonlinear dynamics of a three-phase composite materials plate with graphene" . | Journal of Dynamics and Control 17 . 3 (2019) : 270-280 .
APA Jiang, P. , Guo, X. , Zhang, W. . Nonlinear dynamics of a three-phase composite materials plate with graphene . | Journal of Dynamics and Control , 2019 , 17 (3) , 270-280 .
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