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Carbon-Coated Porous LiTi2(PO4)(3) Network with Excellent Electrochemical Property via Replication of Cotton Fabric SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

A simple morphogenetic route has been developed to obtain free-standing lithium titanium phosphate (LiTi2(PO4)(3), LTP) with physical morphology resemble to a fabric. Commercial cotton textiles are used as templates by loading with aqueous solutions of corresponding precursors and then the cellulosic component is burned off in a furnace held at 600 degrees C. A well-crystallized centimeter-sized lithium titanium phosphate piece can then be synthesized with morphology similar to the fabric and high porosity. After uniformly coating the as-obtained lithium titanium phosphate network with amorphous carbon, the sample shows superior rate capability and cyclability in rechargeable lithium ion batteries. This method can be extendable for other templates and other titanium based electrode materials. (C) 2022 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited.



GB/T 7714 Zhou, Xiao-Liang , Yan, Zheng-Guang , Ma, Lin et al. Carbon-Coated Porous LiTi2(PO4)(3) Network with Excellent Electrochemical Property via Replication of Cotton Fabric [J]. | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY , 2022 , 169 (8) .
MLA Zhou, Xiao-Liang et al. "Carbon-Coated Porous LiTi2(PO4)(3) Network with Excellent Electrochemical Property via Replication of Cotton Fabric" . | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 169 . 8 (2022) .
APA Zhou, Xiao-Liang , Yan, Zheng-Guang , Ma, Lin , Xiao, Wei-Qiang , Han, Xiao-Dong . Carbon-Coated Porous LiTi2(PO4)(3) Network with Excellent Electrochemical Property via Replication of Cotton Fabric . | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY , 2022 , 169 (8) .
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Temperature-Dependent Luminescence and Anisotropic Optical Properties of Centimeter-Sized One-Dimensional Perovskite Trimethylammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystals SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (24) , 5451-5460 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
WoS核心集被引次数: 19
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Low-dimensional hybrid halide perovskite materials with self-trapped exciton (STE) emissions and anisotropic properties are highly attractive for their great potential in many applications. However, to date, reports on large one-dimensional (1D) perovskite single crystals have been limited. Here, centimeter-sized 1D single crystals of trimethylammonium lead iodide (TMAPbI(3)) with typical STE emission are synthesized by an antisolvent vapor-assisted crystallization method. Thermal quenching and antiquenching with a high relative sensitivity of photoluminescence (PL) are observed and studied via temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy. Further analysis indicates that the temperature-dependent PL behaviors are influenced by the self-trapping of the free exciton and the migrations between self-trapped excitons and intermediate nonradiative states. The TNIAPbI(3) single crystal also exhibits a linearly polarized emission and a large birefringence that is higher than those of commercial birefringent crystals. This 1D perovskite with high structural anisotropy has promise for applications in versatile optical- and luminescence-related fields.



GB/T 7714 Du, Yiping , Yan, Zhengguang , Xiao, Jiawen et al. Temperature-Dependent Luminescence and Anisotropic Optical Properties of Centimeter-Sized One-Dimensional Perovskite Trimethylammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystals [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS , 2022 , 13 (24) : 5451-5460 .
MLA Du, Yiping et al. "Temperature-Dependent Luminescence and Anisotropic Optical Properties of Centimeter-Sized One-Dimensional Perovskite Trimethylammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystals" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 13 . 24 (2022) : 5451-5460 .
APA Du, Yiping , Yan, Zhengguang , Xiao, Jiawen , Zhang, Guoqing , Ma, Yang , Li, Songyu et al. Temperature-Dependent Luminescence and Anisotropic Optical Properties of Centimeter-Sized One-Dimensional Perovskite Trimethylammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystals . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS , 2022 , 13 (24) , 5451-5460 .
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Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Ultrasmall Ag Nanowires that Exhibit fcc, bcc, and hcp Structures under Bending SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 128 (1) | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
WoS核心集被引次数: 69
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Metals usually have three crystal structures: face-centered cubic (fcc), body-centered cubic (bcc), and hexagonal-close packed (hcp) structures. Typically, metals exhibit only one of these structures at room temperature. Mechanical processing can cause phase transition in metals, however, metals that exhibit all the three crystal structures have rarely been approached, even when hydrostatic pressure or shock conditions are applied. Here, through in situ observation of the atomic-scale bending and tensile process of similar to 5 nm-sized Ag nanowires (NWs), we show that bending is an effective method to facilitate fcc-structured Ag to access all the above-mentioned structures. The process of transitioning the fcc structure into a bcc structure, then into an hcp structure, and finally into a re-oriented fcc structure under bending has been witnessed in its entirety. This re-oriented fcc structure is twin-related to the matrix, which leads to twin nucleation without the need for partial dislocation activities. The results of this study advance our understanding of the deformation mechanism of small-sized fcc metals.



GB/T 7714 Sun, Shiduo , Li, Dongwei , Yang, Chenpeng et al. Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Ultrasmall Ag Nanowires that Exhibit fcc, bcc, and hcp Structures under Bending [J]. | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , 2022 , 128 (1) .
MLA Sun, Shiduo et al. "Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Ultrasmall Ag Nanowires that Exhibit fcc, bcc, and hcp Structures under Bending" . | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 128 . 1 (2022) .
APA Sun, Shiduo , Li, Dongwei , Yang, Chenpeng , Fu, Libo , Kong, Deli , Lu, Yan et al. Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Ultrasmall Ag Nanowires that Exhibit fcc, bcc, and hcp Structures under Bending . | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS , 2022 , 128 (1) .
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纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 40 (2) , 101-107 | 韦如建
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

缺陷 缺陷 多重孪晶 多重孪晶 面心立方 面心立方 位错 位错 原子尺度 原子尺度 孪晶界 孪晶界



GB/T 7714 韦如建 , 贺昕 , 王兴权 et al. 纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究 [J]. | 韦如建 , 2021 , 40 (2) : 101-107 .
MLA 韦如建 et al. "纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究" . | 韦如建 40 . 2 (2021) : 101-107 .
APA 韦如建 , 贺昕 , 王兴权 , 熊晓东 , 罗俊锋 , 闻明 et al. 纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究 . | 韦如建 , 2021 , 40 (2) , 101-107 .
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纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 40 (2) , 101-107 | 电子显微学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

位错 位错 多重孪晶 多重孪晶 原子尺度 原子尺度 面心立方 面心立方 孪晶界 孪晶界 缺陷 缺陷



GB/T 7714 韦如建 , 贺昕 , 王兴权 et al. 纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究 [J]. | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (2) : 101-107 .
MLA 韦如建 et al. "纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究" . | 电子显微学报 40 . 2 (2021) : 101-107 .
APA 韦如建 , 贺昕 , 王兴权 , 熊晓东 , 罗俊锋 , 闻明 et al. 纳米Ir薄膜中缺陷结构的原子尺度研究 . | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (2) , 101-107 .
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Investigations of EGFR configurations on tumor cell surface by high-resolution electron microscopy (vol 532, pg 179, 2020) SCIE
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GB/T 7714 Wang, Li , Li, Jintao , Zhang, Na et al. Investigations of EGFR configurations on tumor cell surface by high-resolution electron microscopy (vol 532, pg 179, 2020) [J]. | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS , 2021 , 558 : 239-239 .
MLA Wang, Li et al. "Investigations of EGFR configurations on tumor cell surface by high-resolution electron microscopy (vol 532, pg 179, 2020)" . | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 558 (2021) : 239-239 .
APA Wang, Li , Li, Jintao , Zhang, Na , Zhang, Xiaofei , Xia, Yang , Chai, Binbin et al. Investigations of EGFR configurations on tumor cell surface by high-resolution electron microscopy (vol 532, pg 179, 2020) . | BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS , 2021 , 558 , 239-239 .
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AuAg纳米晶薄膜裂纹扩展的原位原子尺度观察 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 40 (05) , 489-495 | 电子显微学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

合金 合金 孪晶 孪晶 晶间裂纹 晶间裂纹 纳米晶薄膜 纳米晶薄膜 裂纹扩展 裂纹扩展 退孪晶 退孪晶



GB/T 7714 杨成鹏 , 符立波 , 郭谊忠 et al. AuAg纳米晶薄膜裂纹扩展的原位原子尺度观察 [J]. | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (05) : 489-495 .
MLA 杨成鹏 et al. "AuAg纳米晶薄膜裂纹扩展的原位原子尺度观察" . | 电子显微学报 40 . 05 (2021) : 489-495 .
APA 杨成鹏 , 符立波 , 郭谊忠 , 王立华 , 张泽 , 韩晓东 . AuAg纳米晶薄膜裂纹扩展的原位原子尺度观察 . | 电子显微学报 , 2021 , 40 (05) , 489-495 .
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A- or X-site mixture on mechanical properties of APbX(3) perovskite single crystals SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (4) | APL MATERIALS
WoS核心集被引次数: 27
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Organic-inorganic halide perovskites (OIHPs) have the typical composition of APbX(3), in which A is a cation such as methlyamine (MA) and formamidine (FA) and X is a halide anion such as Cl, Br, or I. The mixture at the A or X site in OIHPs provides greatly improved versatility in their compositions and therefore allows the enhancement of their performance in LEDs and solar cells. In real application circumstances and deformable devices, the mechanical properties of OIHPs are of great importance. In this work, the mechanical properties of three series of mixed OIHP single crystals, MAPbI(x)Br(3-x), MAPbBr(x)Cl(3-x), and FA(y)MA(1-y)PbBr(3), are studied by nanoindentation. The results are summarized according to the composition of these mixtures. With the increase in the FA content at the A site, the average Young's modulus (E) of FA(y)MA(1-y)PbBr(3) decreases greatly from 19.2 GPa to 11.5 GPa, which indicates that the influence of organic cations on the mechanical properties of OIHPs is as important as that of Pb-X bonds. The mixture at the A or X site could also increase the hardness (H) and the wear resistance (H/E ratio). The average values of hardness and wear resistance of MAPbI(0.1)Br(2.9) are almost double (0.63 GPa, 0.033) the values for undoped MAPbBr(3) (0.32 GPa, 0.017). The dynamic mechanical responses of the OIHP single crystals show reduced creep stress exponents and thus increased strain rate sensitivities in the mixture at the X site, thereby improving the ductility. The nanoindentation sites are characterized using a scanning electron microscope and slip bands are observed, suggesting the plastic deformation mechanism governed by the activation of dislocations.



GB/T 7714 Ma, Lin , Li, Wanpeng , Yang, Kaixiang et al. A- or X-site mixture on mechanical properties of APbX(3) perovskite single crystals [J]. | APL MATERIALS , 2021 , 9 (4) .
MLA Ma, Lin et al. "A- or X-site mixture on mechanical properties of APbX(3) perovskite single crystals" . | APL MATERIALS 9 . 4 (2021) .
APA Ma, Lin , Li, Wanpeng , Yang, Kaixiang , Bi, Jianjun , Feng, Jicun , Zhang, Jiabei et al. A- or X-site mixture on mechanical properties of APbX(3) perovskite single crystals . | APL MATERIALS , 2021 , 9 (4) .
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Observation of the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 20 (6) , 800-804 | Nature materials
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The discovery of the spin Hall effect1 enabled the efficient generation and manipulation of the spin current. More recently, the magnetic spin Hall effect2,3 was observed in non-collinear antiferromagnets, where the spin conservation is broken due to the non-collinear spin configuration. This provides a unique opportunity to control the spin current and relevant device performance with controllable magnetization. Here, we report a magnetic spin Hall effect in a collinear antiferromagnet, Mn2Au. The spin currents are generated at two spin sublattices with broken spatial symmetry, and the antiparallel antiferromagnetic moments play an important role. Therefore, we term this effect the 'antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect'. The out-of-plane spins from the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect are favourable for the efficient switching of perpendicular magnetized devices, which is required for high-density applications. The antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect adds another twist to the atomic-level control of spin currents via the antiferromagnetic spin structure.



GB/T 7714 Chen Xianzhe , Shi Shuyuan , Shi Guoyi et al. Observation of the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect. [J]. | Nature materials , 2021 , 20 (6) : 800-804 .
MLA Chen Xianzhe et al. "Observation of the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect." . | Nature materials 20 . 6 (2021) : 800-804 .
APA Chen Xianzhe , Shi Shuyuan , Shi Guoyi , Fan Xiaolong , Song Cheng , Zhou Xiaofeng et al. Observation of the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect. . | Nature materials , 2021 , 20 (6) , 800-804 .
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Hierarchical grain size and nanotwin gradient microstructure for improved mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 92 , 195-207 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 73
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

This study explored a multi-mechanism approach to improving the mechanical properties of a CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy through non-equiatomic alloy design and processing. The alloy design ensures a single-phase face-centered cubic structure while lowering the stacking fault energy to encourage the formation of deformation twins and stacking faults by altering the equiatomic composition of the alloy. The processing strategy applied helped create a hierarchical grain size gradient microstructure with a high nanotwins population. This was achieved by means of rotationally accelerated shot peening (RASP). The non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy achieved a yield strength of 750 MPa, a tensile strength of 1050 MPa, and tensile uniform elongation of 27.5%. The toughness of the alloy was 2.53 x 10(10) kJ/m(3), which is about 2 times that of the same alloy without the RASP treatment. The strength increase is attributed to the effects of grain boundary strengthening, dislocation strengthening, twin strengthening, and hetero-deformation strengthening associated with the heterogeneous microstructure of the alloy. The concurrent occurrence of the multiple deformation mechanisms, i.e., dislocation deformation, twining deformation and microband deformation, contributes to achieving a suitable strain hardening of the alloy that helps to prevent early necking and to assure steady plastic deformation for high toughness. (C) 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Chinese Society for Metals.

关键词 :

Deformation mechanism Deformation mechanism Gradient and hierarchical structure Gradient and hierarchical structure High entropy alloy High entropy alloy Mechanical property Mechanical property



GB/T 7714 An, Zibing , Mao, Shengcheng , Liu, Yinong et al. Hierarchical grain size and nanotwin gradient microstructure for improved mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 92 : 195-207 .
MLA An, Zibing et al. "Hierarchical grain size and nanotwin gradient microstructure for improved mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 92 (2021) : 195-207 .
APA An, Zibing , Mao, Shengcheng , Liu, Yinong , Zhou, Hao , Zhai, Yadi , Tian, Zhiyong et al. Hierarchical grain size and nanotwin gradient microstructure for improved mechanical properties of a non-equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 92 , 195-207 .
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