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Deep Learning Networks-Based Action Videos Classification and Search SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
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摘要 :

This work presents the deep learning networks-based method using fine-tuning for classification and search of a diversity of action videos. First, a 3D convolutional neural networks (3D CNN) model which performs pre-training operation and fine-tuning strategy is employed to extract the spatiotemporal features of videos. It is first pre-trained on UCF-101 datasets to train model with initial parameters. Then, a small new dataset is employed to fine-tune the initial model for the training of the new model. Once features are extracted by the final CNNs model, distance measure can be adopted to calculate the similarities between the query video and the test dataset for the video search. The searched video is returned and ranked according to the priority when it has higher similarity with the query video. The comparison results in the experiment shows that the search method using fine-tuning obtains better performance than the method without using fine-tuning. Second, the classification results based on the 3D CNN model using fine-tuning are also presented for the consideration of a query by keyword. Accuracy result obtained using the model with the help of fine-tuning is approximately 2.8% higher than that without using fine-tuning.

关键词 :

Convolutional neural networks Convolutional neural networks feature extraction feature extraction fine-tuning fine-tuning video search video search



GB/T 7714 Wang, Wenshi , Huang, Zhangqin , Tian, Rui . Deep Learning Networks-Based Action Videos Classification and Search [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 2021 , 35 (07) .
MLA Wang, Wenshi 等. "Deep Learning Networks-Based Action Videos Classification and Search" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 35 . 07 (2021) .
APA Wang, Wenshi , Huang, Zhangqin , Tian, Rui . Deep Learning Networks-Based Action Videos Classification and Search . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , 2021 , 35 (07) .
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一种多路视频的360度实时拼接技术 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 47 (02) , 1-8,31 | 西安电子科技大学学报
CNKI被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

全景视频拼接 全景视频拼接 图像融合 图像融合 图像配准 图像配准



GB/T 7714 黄樟钦 , 母召 , 岑陈 et al. 一种多路视频的360度实时拼接技术 [J]. | 西安电子科技大学学报 , 2020 , 47 (02) : 1-8,31 .
MLA 黄樟钦 et al. "一种多路视频的360度实时拼接技术" . | 西安电子科技大学学报 47 . 02 (2020) : 1-8,31 .
APA 黄樟钦 , 母召 , 岑陈 , 高寒 . 一种多路视频的360度实时拼接技术 . | 西安电子科技大学学报 , 2020 , 47 (02) , 1-8,31 .
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物联网LoRa智能网关 incoPat
专利 | 2020-01-17 | CN202030032682.0
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 黄樟钦 , 高寒 , 黄玲 et al. 物联网LoRa智能网关 : CN202030032682.0[P]. | 2020-01-17 .
MLA 黄樟钦 et al. "物联网LoRa智能网关" : CN202030032682.0. | 2020-01-17 .
APA 黄樟钦 , 高寒 , 黄玲 , 张晓波 . 物联网LoRa智能网关 : CN202030032682.0. | 2020-01-17 .
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AI智能视频分析仪 incoPat
专利 | 2020-01-17 | CN202030032681.6
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GB/T 7714 李达 , 张佰国 , 黄樟钦 . AI智能视频分析仪 : CN202030032681.6[P]. | 2020-01-17 .
MLA 李达 et al. "AI智能视频分析仪" : CN202030032681.6. | 2020-01-17 .
APA 李达 , 张佰国 , 黄樟钦 . AI智能视频分析仪 : CN202030032681.6. | 2020-01-17 .
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A configurable multiplex data transfer model for asynchronous and heterogeneous FPGA accelerators on single DMA device SCIE
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摘要 :

To reduce DMA utilization for multiple algorithm IPs on FPGA, a channel configurable and multiplex DMA device (CMDMA) is proposed for asynchronous and heterogeneous algorithm IPs. Firstly, we abstract the entities and data-flow in CMDMA system with a formal description for function definition and work-flow analysis. Then based on the functions and work-flow, we design and implement a prototype of CMDMA, which includes CMDMA software driver (SW) and hardware circuits (HW) of one DMA IP, a configurable input switch (CISwitch), algorithm IPs, and an asynchronous output switch (AOSwitch). The configurable function of CMDMA is implemented by CISwitch through a configuration port in HW-level, and a configurable Round-Robin (CRR) algorithm is proposed to implement channel and input data schedule in SW-level. For output, a channel distinguishable output buffer (ChnDistBuf) is proposed, which is able to deliver channel ID and data size to SW earlier than the end time of an algorithm IP. With a double interrupt coordination method of both ChnDistBuf and algorithm IPs, CMDMA is able to successively store complete output data from different algorithm IPs. With a double interrupt coordination method of both ChnDistBuf and algorithm IPs, CMDMA is able to successively store complete output data from different algorithm IPs. The experiments based on 4 heterogeneous matrix multiplication algorithm IPs on Xilinx Zynq platform show that CMDMA is able to improve about 8% 29% average algorithm acceleration rates on single algorithm IP compared to the exclusive method that one DMA works for one algorithm IP only, and it is able to increase about 10-40 MB/s and 5-15 MB/s of DMA input and output data throughput with multiple algorithm IPs running in parallel. Moreover, the extended LUT and FF resources in CMDMA are 756 and 1219 , both of which are about 1% of Zynq platform. Besides, in a double CNN algorithm IPs test on Mnist application, an enhanced function of data broadcasting in CMDMA is able to improve 4 s than the system with 4 exclusive DMA running in parallel, meanwhile reduce 3 DMA utilization and 0. 03 W power consumption. (c) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

DMA DMA FPGA FPGA Multiplex Multiplex Switch Switch System architecture System architecture



GB/T 7714 Huang, Zhangqin , Zhang, Shuo , Gao, Han et al. A configurable multiplex data transfer model for asynchronous and heterogeneous FPGA accelerators on single DMA device [J]. | MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS , 2020 , 77 .
MLA Huang, Zhangqin et al. "A configurable multiplex data transfer model for asynchronous and heterogeneous FPGA accelerators on single DMA device" . | MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS 77 (2020) .
APA Huang, Zhangqin , Zhang, Shuo , Gao, Han , Zhang, Xiaobo , Yang, Shengqi . A configurable multiplex data transfer model for asynchronous and heterogeneous FPGA accelerators on single DMA device . | MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS , 2020 , 77 .
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一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能监测装置 incoPat
专利 | 2020-01-21 | CN202020135297.3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 李达 , 张志浩 , 黄樟钦 et al. 一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能监测装置 : CN202020135297.3[P]. | 2020-01-21 .
MLA 李达 et al. "一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能监测装置" : CN202020135297.3. | 2020-01-21 .
APA 李达 , 张志浩 , 黄樟钦 , 张佰国 , 张晓波 . 一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能监测装置 : CN202020135297.3. | 2020-01-21 .
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一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能扫描及动态优化配置的方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-01-21 | CN202010068931.0
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 李达 , 张志浩 , 黄樟钦 et al. 一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能扫描及动态优化配置的方法 : CN202010068931.0[P]. | 2020-01-21 .
MLA 李达 et al. "一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能扫描及动态优化配置的方法" : CN202010068931.0. | 2020-01-21 .
APA 李达 , 张志浩 , 黄樟钦 , 张佰国 , 张晓波 . 一种LoRa通讯网络传输速率智能扫描及动态优化配置的方法 : CN202010068931.0. | 2020-01-21 .
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一种面向边缘端行人跟踪和人数精确统计的方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-01-21 | CN202010068506.1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 黄樟钦 , 盛梦雪 , 张硕 et al. 一种面向边缘端行人跟踪和人数精确统计的方法 : CN202010068506.1[P]. | 2020-01-21 .
MLA 黄樟钦 et al. "一种面向边缘端行人跟踪和人数精确统计的方法" : CN202010068506.1. | 2020-01-21 .
APA 黄樟钦 , 盛梦雪 , 张硕 , 李洪亮 . 一种面向边缘端行人跟踪和人数精确统计的方法 : CN202010068506.1. | 2020-01-21 .
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LoRa无线通道基站(中继器) incoPat
专利 | 2020-01-17 | CN202030033594.2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 黄樟钦 , 高寒 , 张晓波 et al. LoRa无线通道基站(中继器) : CN202030033594.2[P]. | 2020-01-17 .
MLA 黄樟钦 et al. "LoRa无线通道基站(中继器)" : CN202030033594.2. | 2020-01-17 .
APA 黄樟钦 , 高寒 , 张晓波 , 黄玲 . LoRa无线通道基站(中继器) : CN202030033594.2. | 2020-01-17 .
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E3DinSAR: 3-D Localization of RFID-Tagged Objects Based on Interference Synthetic Apertures SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 7 (12) , 11656-11666 | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL
WoS核心集被引次数: 13
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

RFID is one of the indispensable technologies employed to implement the Internet of Things, where it facilitates the identification and awareness of objects in our daily lives by integrating backscatter tags. The interference synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-based localization scheme provides high precision in 3-D conditions, although it still has some practical problems such as its strict sampling operation and it is also highly time consuming. In this article, we developed E3DinSAR as an optimized InSAR-based 3-D localization approach for pinpointing tags rapidly and easily with high accuracy. E3DinSAR does not use any other infrastructure or reference tags, and only one movable reader with one antenna is sufficient to implement the localization method, where it measures the phase value of the tag at different positions throughout its movement in order to create multiple holographic images. In contrast to the previously proposed InSAR-based technique, we extend the sampling trajectory of the reader to an arbitrary curve by restricting it to several approximate linear apertures, which allows more flexible operations and increase the accuracy. We also employ a rapid computing method to calculate the results for the holographic images by estimating the direction of arrival for the tag. Experiments were performed where E3DinSAR was implemented with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) RFID products and our systematic evaluation showed that E3DinSAR achieved a mean locating accuracy of 18.4 cm in a 3-D space.

关键词 :

3-D 3-D Antenna measurements Antenna measurements Apertures Apertures interference synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) interference synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) localization localization phase based phase based Phase measurement Phase measurement Radiofrequency identification Radiofrequency identification Three-dimensional displays Three-dimensional displays Trajectory Trajectory Two dimensional displays Two dimensional displays ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID



GB/T 7714 Liang, Xiaoxuan , Huang, Zhangqin , Yang, Shengqi et al. E3DinSAR: 3-D Localization of RFID-Tagged Objects Based on Interference Synthetic Apertures [J]. | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL , 2020 , 7 (12) : 11656-11666 .
MLA Liang, Xiaoxuan et al. "E3DinSAR: 3-D Localization of RFID-Tagged Objects Based on Interference Synthetic Apertures" . | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 7 . 12 (2020) : 11656-11666 .
APA Liang, Xiaoxuan , Huang, Zhangqin , Yang, Shengqi , Qiu, Lanxin . E3DinSAR: 3-D Localization of RFID-Tagged Objects Based on Interference Synthetic Apertures . | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL , 2020 , 7 (12) , 11656-11666 .
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