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周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 70 (10) , 200-211 | 物理学报
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

微通道散热器在集成电路中具有重要应用,但目前传统的长直微通道散热过程导致温度不均匀,散热效率较低.本文设计了一种周期性分流微结构并与传统微通道进行集成,实现了一种高效率的周期性分流微通道散热器.基于以上周期性分流微通道,系统研究了单根微通道内微结构数目、微结构的排布方式及结构参数对其散热性能的影响.结果表明,引入的分流微结构可增大换热面积、打破原有层流边界层、促进冷/热冷却液混合、显著改善微通道散热性能.在100 W/cm2的热流密度下,入口端冷却液流速为1.18 m/s时,单根微通道内引入9组微结构后,其最高温度下降约24 K,热阻下降约44%,努塞尔数增大约124%,整体传热性能(PEC)...

关键词 :

微通道 微通道 周期性分流 周期性分流 散热结构 散热结构



GB/T 7714 王晗 , 袁礼 , 王超 et al. 周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能 [J]. | 物理学报 , 2021 , 70 (10) : 200-211 .
MLA 王晗 et al. "周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能" . | 物理学报 70 . 10 (2021) : 200-211 .
APA 王晗 , 袁礼 , 王超 , 王如志 . 周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能 . | 物理学报 , 2021 , 70 (10) , 200-211 .
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基于RPMDE-MKSVM的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 28 (4) , 665-671 | 控制工程
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

为了提高锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测的精度,提出了一种基于随机参数机制差分进化(random parameter machine differential evolution,RPMDE)算法与多核支持向量机(multi-kernel support vector machine,MKSVM)的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测模型.首先,将差分变异策略和随机搜索算子引入差分进化算法中来增强算法种群多样性,提高全局搜索能力.然后,通过RPMDE算法优化MKSVM的惩罚因子和核参数来提高预测模型的精度.最后,利用美国国家航空航天局的锂离子电池测试数据验证RPMDE-MKSVM模型的准确性.实验结果表明,相比于差分进化算法模型和粒子群优化算法模型,RPMDE-MKSVM模型不仅具有更快的收敛速度,而且具有更优的预测精度.



GB/T 7714 简献忠 , 韦进 , 王如志 . 基于RPMDE-MKSVM的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测 [J]. | 控制工程 , 2021 , 28 (4) : 665-671 .
MLA 简献忠 et al. "基于RPMDE-MKSVM的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测" . | 控制工程 28 . 4 (2021) : 665-671 .
APA 简献忠 , 韦进 , 王如志 . 基于RPMDE-MKSVM的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测 . | 控制工程 , 2021 , 28 (4) , 665-671 .
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服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (1) , 108-115 | 杨孟骐
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

可靠性 可靠性 激光测距组件 激光测距组件 服务机器人 服务机器人 测距精度 测距精度 定量评价 定量评价



GB/T 7714 杨孟骐 , 赵爽 , 白晓帆 et al. 服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究 [J]. | 杨孟骐 , 2021 , 42 (1) : 108-115 .
MLA 杨孟骐 et al. "服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究" . | 杨孟骐 42 . 1 (2021) : 108-115 .
APA 杨孟骐 , 赵爽 , 白晓帆 , 王如志 , 仪器仪表学报 . 服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究 . | 杨孟骐 , 2021 , 42 (1) , 108-115 .
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服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (01) , 108-115 | 仪器仪表学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

可靠性 可靠性 定量评价 定量评价 服务机器人 服务机器人 测距精度 测距精度 激光测距组件 激光测距组件



GB/T 7714 杨孟骐 , 赵爽 , 白晓帆 et al. 服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究 [J]. | 仪器仪表学报 , 2021 , 42 (01) : 108-115 .
MLA 杨孟骐 et al. "服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究" . | 仪器仪表学报 42 . 01 (2021) : 108-115 .
APA 杨孟骐 , 赵爽 , 白晓帆 , 王如志 . 服务机器人激光测距组件的环境可靠性模型及其定量评价方法研究 . | 仪器仪表学报 , 2021 , 42 (01) , 108-115 .
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n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper Sr_3B_2Se_7(B=Zr,Hf)非常规铁电性的第一性原理研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 70 (11) , 276-282 | 物理学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

近年来,层状钙钛矿材料中存在的非常规铁电性为新型铁电体设计提供了新的途径.基于第一性原理,本文系统研究了具有Ruddlesden-Popper (RP)(n=2)结构的Sr_3B_2Se_7 (B=Zr, Hf)化合物的基态结构、电子结构和非常规铁电性.研究表明, Sr_3B_2Se_7 (B=Zr, Hf)基态均为具有A2_1am极性相的直接带隙半导体;其非常规铁电性来源于BSe_6八面体的两种旋转模式的耦合.而且,因具有较强的铁电极化值与可见光吸收带隙, Sr_3B_2Se_7 (B=Zr, Hf)有望成为新一代铁电光伏材料.

关键词 :

Ruddlesden-Popper Ruddlesden-Popper 第一性原理 第一性原理 铁电光伏 铁电光伏 非常规铁电 非常规铁电



GB/T 7714 王朝 , 张铭 , 张持 et al. n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper Sr_3B_2Se_7(B=Zr,Hf)非常规铁电性的第一性原理研究 [J]. | 物理学报 , 2021 , 70 (11) : 276-282 .
MLA 王朝 et al. "n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper Sr_3B_2Se_7(B=Zr,Hf)非常规铁电性的第一性原理研究" . | 物理学报 70 . 11 (2021) : 276-282 .
APA 王朝 , 张铭 , 张持 , 王如志 , 严辉 . n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper Sr_3B_2Se_7(B=Zr,Hf)非常规铁电性的第一性原理研究 . | 物理学报 , 2021 , 70 (11) , 276-282 .
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基于生成对抗网络的电能质量信号压缩重构方法 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 28 (8) , 1654-1661 | 控制工程
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 简献忠 , 王绪涛 , 王如志 . 基于生成对抗网络的电能质量信号压缩重构方法 [J]. | 控制工程 , 2021 , 28 (8) : 1654-1661 .
MLA 简献忠 et al. "基于生成对抗网络的电能质量信号压缩重构方法" . | 控制工程 28 . 8 (2021) : 1654-1661 .
APA 简献忠 , 王绪涛 , 王如志 . 基于生成对抗网络的电能质量信号压缩重构方法 . | 控制工程 , 2021 , 28 (8) , 1654-1661 .
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周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 70 (10) , 194-205 | 王晗
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

周期性分流 周期性分流 微通道 微通道 散热结构 散热结构



GB/T 7714 王晗 , 袁礼 , 王超 et al. 周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能 [J]. | 王晗 , 2021 , 70 (10) : 194-205 .
MLA 王晗 et al. "周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能" . | 王晗 70 . 10 (2021) : 194-205 .
APA 王晗 , 袁礼 , 王超 , 王如志 , 物理学报 . 周期性分流微通道的结构设计及散热性能 . | 王晗 , 2021 , 70 (10) , 194-205 .
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Field emission of GaN nanofilms on Si substrates enhanced by hydrogen plasma treatment EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 9 (1) | Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The (002) oriented GaN nanostructured films prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on n-type Si (100) substrates were treated by H- and O-plasma, finding both treatments do not make the sizable changes in crystalline structure and morphology of GaN nanofilms. However, the field emission (FE) performance of GaN nanofilms is considerably improved by H-plasma treatment (H-GaN) but deteriorated by O-plasma treatment (O-GaN). The turn-on fields, Eon, for H- and O-plasma treated GaN nanofilms are determined to be 0.52 and 1.79 V μm−1, respectively, in contrast with that of pristine GaN nanofilms, 0.95 V μm−1. The improvement of FE performance by the H-plasma treatments could be attributed to the reasons of the reduced surface potential barrier, the increased electron concentration, the increased surface conductivity, and the increased effective emission area. The first-principles calculations represents that the experimental and theoretical work function results have the same trend with the descending sequence of O-plasma treated GaN > pristine GaN > the H-plasma treated GaN. © 2021 IOP Publishing Ltd

关键词 :

Calculations Calculations Field emission Field emission Gallium nitride Gallium nitride Hydrogen Hydrogen III-V semiconductors III-V semiconductors Morphology Morphology Plasma applications Plasma applications Pulsed laser deposition Pulsed laser deposition Silicon Silicon Surface potential Surface potential



GB/T 7714 Song, Zhi-Wei , Wang, Changhao , Guo, Gen-Cai et al. Field emission of GaN nanofilms on Si substrates enhanced by hydrogen plasma treatment [J]. | Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties , 2021 , 9 (1) .
MLA Song, Zhi-Wei et al. "Field emission of GaN nanofilms on Si substrates enhanced by hydrogen plasma treatment" . | Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 9 . 1 (2021) .
APA Song, Zhi-Wei , Wang, Changhao , Guo, Gen-Cai , Yang, Meng-Qi , Liang, Qi , Wang, Bo et al. Field emission of GaN nanofilms on Si substrates enhanced by hydrogen plasma treatment . | Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties , 2021 , 9 (1) .
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Zinc oxide nanonets with hierarchical crystalline nodes: High-performance ethanol sensors enhanced by grain boundaries SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Researchers commonly enhance the sensitivity of gas sensing nanomaterials by increasing the effective active area. It would be more straightforward to instead optimize the grain boundaries. In this work, Zn4CO3(OH)(6).H2O was synthesized as a precursor to ZnO via a facile hydrothermal process and annealing, respectively. ZnO nanonets of hierarchical crystalline nodes with abundant grain boundaries was prepared. The nanonets exhibited an ultra-sensitive response value of 398, and a fast response time (4 s of exposure to 100 ppm ethanol), compared with traditional nanosheets. The sensing enhancement as per the grain boundary was modeled and experiments confirmed the model. Microstructural and microscopic analyses indicated that the sensitivity of the nanonets mainly is attributable to the abundant grain boundaries with lots of hierarchical crystalline nodes. The high-sensitive response and fast response time toward ethanol by the ZnO nanonets is considered to derive from the enhancement effect of grain boundaries in hierarchical crystalline nodes, which creates the additional depletion layers from abundant oxygen vacancies led to a substantial change in the surface potential, referring to the difference between in-air versus in-ethanol. The proposed high-performance sensor is inexpensive to fabricate, straightforward to synthesize, and advantageous for practical use. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Ethanol sensor Ethanol sensor Grain boundaries Grain boundaries Oxygen vacancies Oxygen vacancies ZnO nanonets ZnO nanonets



GB/T 7714 Wang, Bing-Rong , Wang, Ru-Zhi , Bai, Yue-Jie et al. Zinc oxide nanonets with hierarchical crystalline nodes: High-performance ethanol sensors enhanced by grain boundaries [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 877 .
MLA Wang, Bing-Rong et al. "Zinc oxide nanonets with hierarchical crystalline nodes: High-performance ethanol sensors enhanced by grain boundaries" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 877 (2021) .
APA Wang, Bing-Rong , Wang, Ru-Zhi , Bai, Yue-Jie , Liu, Li-Ying , Jiang, Qian-Lei . Zinc oxide nanonets with hierarchical crystalline nodes: High-performance ethanol sensors enhanced by grain boundaries . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 877 .
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Adsorption of gas molecules on 2D Na3Bi monolayer: Afirst-principles study SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 399 | PHYSICS LETTERS A
WoS核心集被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

2D Na3Bi has attracted significant interests due to its surface properties. The adsorption characteristics of gas molecules on Na3Bi monolayer are researched by a first-principles calculation method based on density functional theory. The results show that due to the gas molecular injection, the surface electronic distribution of the 2D Na3Bi is reconstructed with adsorption energy of 0.062-2.837 eV and charge transfer of 0.003-1.565, and show the obvious change of electronic and molecular structures. In addition, the band gap has significantly changed, especially when adsorbed by NO2 and CH2O, the system changes into metallicity. Furthermore, there were noticeable orbital hybridization between NO2 as well as CH2O and Na3Bi monolayer during adsorption process in DOS. It is possible to detect and identify gas molecules by the novel adsorption properties of 2D Na3Bi. This work will provide a theoretical model for the application of Na3Bi-based gas sensitive materials in the future. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Electronic properties Electronic properties First-principles calculation First-principles calculation Gas adsorption Gas adsorption Two-dimensional Na3Bi Two-dimensional Na3Bi



GB/T 7714 Jia, Ningning , Liu, Liying , Wang, Changhao et al. Adsorption of gas molecules on 2D Na3Bi monolayer: Afirst-principles study [J]. | PHYSICS LETTERS A , 2021 , 399 .
MLA Jia, Ningning et al. "Adsorption of gas molecules on 2D Na3Bi monolayer: Afirst-principles study" . | PHYSICS LETTERS A 399 (2021) .
APA Jia, Ningning , Liu, Liying , Wang, Changhao , Guo, Gencai , Wang, Ruzhi . Adsorption of gas molecules on 2D Na3Bi monolayer: Afirst-principles study . | PHYSICS LETTERS A , 2021 , 399 .
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