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The electrochemical dissolution mechanism and treatment process in the molten-salt electrolytic recovery of WC-Co two-phase scraps SCIE
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The use and scrap of cemented carbide, especially WC-Co series cemented carbide, are increasing every year. Recycle of cemented carbide scrap is paid attention to more and more by researchers. In this paper, the molten salt electrolysis method was employed to extract tungsten and cobalt. The focal points of this study were the electrochemical dissolution mechanism of WC-Co two-phase scraps and the treatment process of multiple pieces of WC-Co scrap. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy indicated that the dissolution mechanism of WC-Co composite had the anodic potential dependence. The equivalent circuit model of WC-Co two-phase composite can adopt the "R-ct parallel model" of cobalt and tungsten carbide. M the case of surface area evolution or multiple anodes electrolysis, the equivalent circuit model can also adopt the "R-ct parallel model", which built a bridge between single WC-Co anode and multiple WC-Co anodes. Consequently, we designed and achieved the recovery process of multiple WC-Co anodes. The XRD analysis and elemental analysis showed that the products were pure cobalt and pure tungsten, respectively.

关键词 :

Cemented carbide scraps Cemented carbide scraps Multiple anodes Multiple anodes Molten-salt electrolytic recovery Molten-salt electrolytic recovery Electrochemical dissolution mechanism Electrochemical dissolution mechanism



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Qinghua , Xi, Xiaoli , Zhang, Liwen et al. The electrochemical dissolution mechanism and treatment process in the molten-salt electrolytic recovery of WC-Co two-phase scraps [J]. | JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2021 , 896 .
MLA Zhang, Qinghua et al. "The electrochemical dissolution mechanism and treatment process in the molten-salt electrolytic recovery of WC-Co two-phase scraps" . | JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 896 (2021) .
APA Zhang, Qinghua , Xi, Xiaoli , Zhang, Liwen , Feng, Ming , Nie, Zuoren , Ma, Liwen . The electrochemical dissolution mechanism and treatment process in the molten-salt electrolytic recovery of WC-Co two-phase scraps . | JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2021 , 896 .
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基于第一性原理计算的纳米氧化钨研究进展 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , (11) , 1125-1136 | 无机材料学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

纳米氧化钨作为一种具有独特物理化学性质的半导体功能材料,已被广泛应用于环境、能源、生命科学、信息技术等领域。本文基于第一性原理计算在纳米氧化钨中的应用进展,概述了量子力学基础上的第一性原理及密度泛函理论的发展历程及基本理论,介绍了该领域常用的MS (Materials studio)、VASP (Vienna ab initio simulation package)等模拟计算软件,并分类阐述了第一性原理计算对氧化钨的微观电子结构、物质相互作用、分子热动力学等方面的研究成果。最后提出了第一性原理计算在纳米氧化钨这类半导体材料研究中存在的问题及未来发展趋势。

关键词 :

电子结构 电子结构 第一性原理 第一性原理 综述 综述 模拟计算 模拟计算 纳米氧化钨 纳米氧化钨



GB/T 7714 赵林艳 , 刘阳思 , 席晓丽 et al. 基于第一性原理计算的纳米氧化钨研究进展 [J]. | 无机材料学报 , 2021 , (11) : 1125-1136 .
MLA 赵林艳 et al. "基于第一性原理计算的纳米氧化钨研究进展" . | 无机材料学报 11 (2021) : 1125-1136 .
APA 赵林艳 , 刘阳思 , 席晓丽 , 马立文 , 聂祚仁 . 基于第一性原理计算的纳米氧化钨研究进展 . | 无机材料学报 , 2021 , (11) , 1125-1136 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (9) , 15-21,32 | 轻合金加工技术
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

对Al-Cu-Li-(Yb)合金的均匀化退火过程微观结构的研究是设计高强铝锂合金及其时效处理的基础.采用金相显微镜(OM)、差热分析(DSC)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和能谱(EDS),研究了Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-(0.02 Yb)合金多级均匀化工艺及均匀化过程中微观组织的演变.结果 表明:合金铸态组织存在晶界沿晶和晶内球形一次相,以及枝晶偏析,其中Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li合金析出相由Al7Cu4Li、Al2CuLi和AlCuFe组成,Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-0.02Yb合金析出相由Al7Cu4Li、Al2CuLi、Al2Cu和AlCuYb组成.为了让析出相尽可能的回溶,同时避免过烧,Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li和Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-0.02Yb合金分别设计了500℃12 h+550℃12 h两级均匀化和500℃12 h +560℃12 h +580℃12 h三级均匀化退火.均匀化退火后枝晶偏析基本消除,晶界相和晶内球形相部分回溶.值得注意的是,球形相回溶后,分解为多个细小的球形颗粒,对于Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li合金和Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-0.02Yb合金,残留相分别为AlCuFe和AlCuYb相.



GB/T 7714 马永放 , 高坤元 , 丁宇升 et al. Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-(0.02Yb)合金多级均匀化退火工艺及其显微组织研究 [J]. | 轻合金加工技术 , 2021 , 49 (9) : 15-21,32 .
MLA 马永放 et al. "Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-(0.02Yb)合金多级均匀化退火工艺及其显微组织研究" . | 轻合金加工技术 49 . 9 (2021) : 15-21,32 .
APA 马永放 , 高坤元 , 丁宇升 , 文胜平 , 黄晖 , 聂祚仁 . Al-1.2Cu-3.5Li-(0.02Yb)合金多级均匀化退火工艺及其显微组织研究 . | 轻合金加工技术 , 2021 , 49 (9) , 15-21,32 .
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Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (3) , 740-745 | 稀有金属材料与工程
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

铜含量 铜含量 腐蚀 腐蚀 强度 强度 热处理 热处理



GB/T 7714 李渤 , 文胜平 , 苏美华 et al. Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响 [J]. | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2021 , 50 (3) : 740-745 .
MLA 李渤 et al. "Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响" . | 稀有金属材料与工程 50 . 3 (2021) : 740-745 .
APA 李渤 , 文胜平 , 苏美华 , 王为 , 黄晖 , 高坤元 et al. Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响 . | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2021 , 50 (3) , 740-745 .
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Effect of Cu Content on Microstructure and Properties of Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si Alloy EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (3) , 740-745 | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Effect of Cu content on microstructure and properties of Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si alloys was investigated in this research. Results show that the microhardness of the alloy with Cu addition has an obvious rapid hardening effect due to the clustering of Cu and Mg at the early stage of aging. With further aging, the microhardness of the alloy increases again and reaches an obvious second peak due to the formation of S' phase and Guinier-Preston-Bagaryasky (GPB) zone. The increasing amount of Cu content results in a significant increase in tensile strength and yield strength while a reduction of elongation and intergranular corrosion performance. With the increase of Cu content, the intergranular corrosion performance of the alloy becomes worse. The alloy has a reasonably well corrosion performance when the Cu content is less than 1.14wt%. However, there is a significant reduction when the alloy contains 2.10wt% Cu. Based on these results, the alloy containing 1.14wt% Cu has better mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Copyright © 2021, Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research. Published by Science Press. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

Textures Textures Aluminum alloys Aluminum alloys Silicon alloys Silicon alloys Tensile strength Tensile strength Corrosion resistant alloys Corrosion resistant alloys Magnesium alloys Magnesium alloys Microhardness Microhardness Corrosion resistance Corrosion resistance Copper corrosion Copper corrosion Intergranular corrosion Intergranular corrosion



GB/T 7714 Li, Bo , Wen, Shengping , Su, Meihua et al. Effect of Cu Content on Microstructure and Properties of Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si Alloy [J]. | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (3) : 740-745 .
MLA Li, Bo et al. "Effect of Cu Content on Microstructure and Properties of Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si Alloy" . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 50 . 3 (2021) : 740-745 .
APA Li, Bo , Wen, Shengping , Su, Meihua , Wang, Wei , Huang, Hui , Gao, Kunyuan et al. Effect of Cu Content on Microstructure and Properties of Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si Alloy . | Rare Metal Materials and Engineering , 2021 , 50 (3) , 740-745 .
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B和Y对高铌TiAl合金组织和拉伸性能的影响(英文) CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (08) , 2760-2764 | 稀有金属材料与工程
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

研究了B和Y对Ti45Al8Nb0.2W0.25Cr (at%)合金的微观结构、微观偏析和拉伸行为的影响。结果表明,高铌Ti Al合金中的β相稳定元素促进了微观偏析区域中γ相以及大块状微观偏析区域的形成。具有低比表面积的大块状微偏析区域降低了微偏析界面处的空洞和裂纹的成核率,明显降低了晶界处的强度和合金的抗拉强度。B和Y的添加明显的细化了片层团,增加了片层团处空洞成核的机会,从而提高了变形抗力。分析了2种合金的拉伸机理。

关键词 :

TiAl TiAl 微观偏析 微观偏析 组织 组织 拉伸 拉伸



GB/T 7714 宫子琪 , 武晋 , 孙伟 et al. B和Y对高铌TiAl合金组织和拉伸性能的影响(英文) [J]. | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2021 , 50 (08) : 2760-2764 .
MLA 宫子琪 et al. "B和Y对高铌TiAl合金组织和拉伸性能的影响(英文)" . | 稀有金属材料与工程 50 . 08 (2021) : 2760-2764 .
APA 宫子琪 , 武晋 , 孙伟 , 陈子勇 , 聂祚仁 . B和Y对高铌TiAl合金组织和拉伸性能的影响(英文) . | 稀有金属材料与工程 , 2021 , 50 (08) , 2760-2764 .
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一种含Er铸造耐热Al-Si-Cu-Mg合金 incoPat
专利 | 2021-01-28 | CN202110122139.3
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 黄晖 , 代钊 , 荣莉 et al. 一种含Er铸造耐热Al-Si-Cu-Mg合金 : CN202110122139.3[P]. | 2021-01-28 .
MLA 黄晖 et al. "一种含Er铸造耐热Al-Si-Cu-Mg合金" : CN202110122139.3. | 2021-01-28 .
APA 黄晖 , 代钊 , 荣莉 , 魏午 , 高坤元 , 文胜平 et al. 一种含Er铸造耐热Al-Si-Cu-Mg合金 : CN202110122139.3. | 2021-01-28 .
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Thermal stability and high-temperature mechanical performance of nanostructured W-Cu-Cr-ZrC composite SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 14
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Improvement of high-temperature mechanical properties of W-Cu based composites is highly desirable but still a challenge. Here it is achieved by combined effects of solid solution, dispersed nano-precipitation and highly stabilized nanostructure in the W-Cu-Cr-ZrC composite, which takes advantage of the in-situ precipitated Zr-Cr-C nanoparticles and phase-separated Cr thin films. The grain size of W phase in the W-Cu-Cr-ZrC composite retained at the nanoscale up to 1000 degrees C (close to Cu melting point) for a long duration. The high thermal stability of the nanostructure endows the composite with a compressive strength of 1150 MPa at 900 degrees C, which is approximately four times as high as that of the binary coarse-grained W-Cu composite. The effects of microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties at high temperatures and its mechanisms were disclosed. The results indicated the crucial role of the microstructural stability of W phase skeleton in the overall strength of the W-Cu based composites.

关键词 :

Nanostructure Nanostructure Strength Strength Thermal stability Thermal stability W-Cu based Composite W-Cu based Composite



GB/T 7714 Cao, Lijun , Hou, Chao , Tang, Fawei et al. Thermal stability and high-temperature mechanical performance of nanostructured W-Cu-Cr-ZrC composite [J]. | COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING , 2021 , 208 .
MLA Cao, Lijun et al. "Thermal stability and high-temperature mechanical performance of nanostructured W-Cu-Cr-ZrC composite" . | COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING 208 (2021) .
APA Cao, Lijun , Hou, Chao , Tang, Fawei , Liang, Shuhua , Luan, Junhua , Jiao, Zengbao et al. Thermal stability and high-temperature mechanical performance of nanostructured W-Cu-Cr-ZrC composite . | COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING , 2021 , 208 .
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Si对Al-Mg-Cu合金时效析出行为的影响 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 39 (3) , 466-470,509 | 材料科学与工程学报
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

向不同镁含量的Al-Mg-Cu合金中添加Si元素,研究Si对该合金时效强化行为的影响,并在此基础上探究自然时效处理对合金后续人工时效行为的影响.研究结果表明,在2.0%Mg的基础上添加0.15 wt%Si可以显著增强合金的人工时效强化效果,但是合金强度随Si含量的进一步增加而增加的幅度较小;Si对合金的时效强化效果是由于Si使得合金中的时效析出相明显细化且分布弥散.添加0.15%S i的合金在经过自然时效后再进行人工时效(简称双时效),经双时效后的人工时效前期的硬度值高于直接人工时效的硬度值,但两种时效工艺峰值硬度基本相同;然后若继续增加Si含量,合金经双时效后的硬度峰值低于直接人工时效所得的硬度值.



GB/T 7714 袁晓明 , 张二庆 , 文胜平 et al. Si对Al-Mg-Cu合金时效析出行为的影响 [J]. | 材料科学与工程学报 , 2021 , 39 (3) : 466-470,509 .
MLA 袁晓明 et al. "Si对Al-Mg-Cu合金时效析出行为的影响" . | 材料科学与工程学报 39 . 3 (2021) : 466-470,509 .
APA 袁晓明 , 张二庆 , 文胜平 , 梁上上 , 王为 , 聂祚仁 . Si对Al-Mg-Cu合金时效析出行为的影响 . | 材料科学与工程学报 , 2021 , 39 (3) , 466-470,509 .
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Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 50 (3) , 740-745 | 李渤
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

强度 强度 热处理 热处理 腐蚀 腐蚀 铜含量 铜含量



GB/T 7714 李渤 , 文胜平 , 苏美华 et al. Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响 [J]. | 李渤 , 2021 , 50 (3) : 740-745 .
MLA 李渤 et al. "Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响" . | 李渤 50 . 3 (2021) : 740-745 .
APA 李渤 , 文胜平 , 苏美华 , 王为 , 黄晖 , 高坤元 et al. Cu含量对Al-2.5Mg-xCu-0.2Si合金微观组织和性能的影响 . | 李渤 , 2021 , 50 (3) , 740-745 .
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