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Experimental and numerical studies on compressive behavior of steel-concrete-steel composite walls considering local buckling and post-buckling effect SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 182 | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

In this study, the axial compressive performance of steel-concrete-steel composite walls (SCSCWs) with novel dumbbell-shaped connectors (DSCs) was investigated. Six specimens were designed and tested, and the study parameters included the physical dimensions and arrangement schemes of DSCs. The failure mode, axial displacement, steel strain, and bearing capacity of the specimens were analyzed. The external steel plates exhibited local buckling, and the internal concrete was crushed. The variation in the physical dimensions of the DSC had little effect on the failure modes, and increasing the number of connectors improved the bearing capacity of the specimens. The axial load-displacement relationships of the SCSCWs were calculated considering the effects of local buckling and post-buckling behavior of steel faceplates in the constitutive relationship. The theoretical curves were in good agreement with the experimental results. A simplified formula for the bearing capacity was proposed, and the average ratio of the experimental to theoretical peak loads was 0.98, indicating that the simplified formula had high accuracy. ABAQUS software was used to simulate the axial behavior of SCSCWs. The simulated results were similar to those of the experiments, and the average ratio of the experimental bearing capacity to the corresponding simulated value was 0.99. Based on the benchmark model, further parameter analyses were conducted to study the effects of material strength and physical dimensions on the axial behavior of SCSCWs. Increasing the material strength and sectional thickness could increase the bearing capacity, and the failure mode was not affected. The theoretical initial stiffness of the SCSCWs was calculated, and the accuracy of the formulas was verified using the simulated results.

关键词 :

Axial behavior Axial behavior Theoretical analysis Theoretical analysis Local buckling Local buckling Steel-concrete-steel composite wall Steel-concrete-steel composite wall Finite element analysis Finite element analysis



GB/T 7714 Zhao, Yukun , Li, Zhenbao , Ma, Hua . Experimental and numerical studies on compressive behavior of steel-concrete-steel composite walls considering local buckling and post-buckling effect [J]. | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2023 , 182 .
MLA Zhao, Yukun 等. "Experimental and numerical studies on compressive behavior of steel-concrete-steel composite walls considering local buckling and post-buckling effect" . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 182 (2023) .
APA Zhao, Yukun , Li, Zhenbao , Ma, Hua . Experimental and numerical studies on compressive behavior of steel-concrete-steel composite walls considering local buckling and post-buckling effect . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2023 , 182 .
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哑铃型连接钢-混凝土-钢组合墙轴向抗压性能试验研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (S1) , 1563-1568 | 建筑结构
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

轴向承载力 轴向承载力 钢-混凝土-钢组合墙 钢-混凝土-钢组合墙 哑铃型连接件 哑铃型连接件 局部屈曲 局部屈曲



GB/T 7714 马华 , 陈宇星 , 李振宝 et al. 哑铃型连接钢-混凝土-钢组合墙轴向抗压性能试验研究 [J]. | 建筑结构 , 2021 , 51 (S1) : 1563-1568 .
MLA 马华 et al. "哑铃型连接钢-混凝土-钢组合墙轴向抗压性能试验研究" . | 建筑结构 51 . S1 (2021) : 1563-1568 .
APA 马华 , 陈宇星 , 李振宝 , 杜育科 . 哑铃型连接钢-混凝土-钢组合墙轴向抗压性能试验研究 . | 建筑结构 , 2021 , 51 (S1) , 1563-1568 .
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Shear capacity of a reinforced concrete frame joint subjected to arbitrary horizontal loading SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 73 (13) , 649-660 | MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH
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摘要 :

Earthquake action is multi-dimensional and random. The anti-seismic capability of beam-column joints in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures under arbitrary horizontal direction loading may be lower than the design capability for unidirectional earthquake actions. To date, detailed calculation methods for the shear capability and shearing performance of joints in RC frames under arbitrary horizontal direction loading have not been reported. For this reason, in this work, the shear mechanism of beam-column joints in an RC frame under arbitrary horizontal direction loading is analysed. This study shows that two oblique compression zones form at the corners of the joint when a synthetic shear force is imposed on the joint, and an oblique compression strut is formed in the core area of the joint, which is different from the shear mechanism of a joint under unidirectional loading. Furthermore, a shear capacity calculation model is established based on the strut-and-tie model. The predicted values of the shear capability in this work are in good agreement with the reported experimental results.

关键词 :

modelling modelling shear shear joints joints



GB/T 7714 Cui, Yanwei , Ma, Hua , Song, Kun et al. Shear capacity of a reinforced concrete frame joint subjected to arbitrary horizontal loading [J]. | MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH , 2021 , 73 (13) : 649-660 .
MLA Cui, Yanwei et al. "Shear capacity of a reinforced concrete frame joint subjected to arbitrary horizontal loading" . | MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH 73 . 13 (2021) : 649-660 .
APA Cui, Yanwei , Ma, Hua , Song, Kun , Li, Zhenbao , Tang, Zhenyun . Shear capacity of a reinforced concrete frame joint subjected to arbitrary horizontal loading . | MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH , 2021 , 73 (13) , 649-660 .
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预制立群混凝土空心墙板轴心受压性能试验研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (S1) , 1124-1131 | 建筑结构
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

失稳破坏 失稳破坏 截面受压破坏 截面受压破坏 立群混凝土空心截面 立群混凝土空心截面 轴心受压承载力 轴心受压承载力 预制空心墙板 预制空心墙板



GB/T 7714 李振宝 , 许良雨 , 李艳娜 et al. 预制立群混凝土空心墙板轴心受压性能试验研究 [J]. | 建筑结构 , 2021 , 51 (S1) : 1124-1131 .
MLA 李振宝 et al. "预制立群混凝土空心墙板轴心受压性能试验研究" . | 建筑结构 51 . S1 (2021) : 1124-1131 .
APA 李振宝 , 许良雨 , 李艳娜 , 王伟 , 杨晓洪 , 陈幼璠 . 预制立群混凝土空心墙板轴心受压性能试验研究 . | 建筑结构 , 2021 , 51 (S1) , 1124-1131 .
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圆钢管柱变形性能研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 54 (02) , 133-143 | 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)
CNKI被引次数: 1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

变形能力 变形能力 径厚比 径厚比 有限元分析 有限元分析 试验 试验 轴压比 轴压比 钢管柱 钢管柱 长细比 长细比



GB/T 7714 范重 , 柴会娟 , 陈宇辰 et al. 圆钢管柱变形性能研究 [J]. | 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版) , 2021 , 54 (02) : 133-143 .
MLA 范重 et al. "圆钢管柱变形性能研究" . | 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版) 54 . 02 (2021) : 133-143 .
APA 范重 , 柴会娟 , 陈宇辰 , 张康伟 , 李振宝 , 张广平 et al. 圆钢管柱变形性能研究 . | 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版) , 2021 , 54 (02) , 133-143 .
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乡村混凝土住宅碳化与锈蚀评价方法研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 51 (S1) , 1386-1394 | 建筑结构
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

乡村混凝土住宅 乡村混凝土住宅 干岛效应 干岛效应 热岛效应 热岛效应 碳化 碳化 锈蚀 锈蚀



GB/T 7714 田易卓 , 唐贞云 , 高晓明 et al. 乡村混凝土住宅碳化与锈蚀评价方法研究 [J]. | 建筑结构 , 2021 , 51 (S1) : 1386-1394 .
MLA 田易卓 et al. "乡村混凝土住宅碳化与锈蚀评价方法研究" . | 建筑结构 51 . S1 (2021) : 1386-1394 .
APA 田易卓 , 唐贞云 , 高晓明 , 李振宝 . 乡村混凝土住宅碳化与锈蚀评价方法研究 . | 建筑结构 , 2021 , 51 (S1) , 1386-1394 .
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Deformation Performance of Steel Pipe Columns EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 54 (2) , 133-143 | Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Based on the mechanical features,three tests with different specimens were performed on steel pipe columns with low axial compression ratio,supporting large-span roofs under reversed horizontal loading. The nonlinear finite element method was used to analyze the deformation performance of steel pipe columns,and the effects of slenderness ratio,diameter-thickness ratio,and axial compression ratio on the yield deformation angle and ultimate deformation angle were investigated. The test results show that when the axial compression ratio is about 0.2,the hysteresis curves generated by the steel pipe columns under reversed horizontal loading show a full shuttle shape. When the diameter-thickness ratio is relatively small,the rate of plastic deformation of the steel pipe column is slowed down,the degree of damage is reduced,and the energy dissipation capacity is enhanced. When the slenderness is relatively small,the growth of plastic deformation of the steel pipe column is accelerated and the energy dissipation capacity gets weakened. As the steel pipe column enters the elastoplastic zone(behavior),a ring form of deformation occurs peripherally or externally at the bottom and a drum form of deformation occurs directly at bottom of the column. These deformations significantly affect the ultimate bearing capacity. The yield deformation angle and the ultimate deformation angles are much larger than those mentioned in the specification. The finite element analysis results show that the yield deformation angle has a linear relationship with the axial compression ratio and the slenderness ratio;the slenderness ratio has the maximum influence on the yield deformation angle,the axial compression ratio has some influence when compared to slenderness ratio(second in the order of influence),and the diameter-thickness ratio has minimum influence. When the slenderness ratio is not less than 40,the yield deformation angle can satisfy the required target drift angle of 1/150. The ultimate deformation angle of steel pipe columns has a linear relationship with the axial compression ratio and the slenderness ratio and has a nonlinear relationship with the diameter-thickness ratio;the diameter-thickness ratio has the largest influence on the ultimate deformation capacity of steel pipe columns,the axial compression ratio is the second(has some influence),and the slenderness ratio has the least influence. When the values of axial compression ratio and the diameter-thickness ratio do not exceed 0.2 and 30,respectively,the ultimate deformation angle of steel pipe columns can satisfy the required target drift angle of 1/30. By applying the results of finite element analysis in the calculations,yield deformation angle and ultimate deformation angle of steel pipe columns are obtained,which are used to estimate the deformation capacity of steel pipe columns. © 2021, Editorial Board of Journal of Tianjin University(Science and Technology). All right reserved.

关键词 :

Axial compression Axial compression Connectors (structural) Connectors (structural) Steel pipe Steel pipe Plastic pipe Plastic pipe Plastic deformation Plastic deformation Steel testing Steel testing Energy dissipation Energy dissipation Finite element method Finite element method



GB/T 7714 Fan, Zhong , Chai, Huijuan , Chen, Yuchen et al. Deformation Performance of Steel Pipe Columns [J]. | Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology , 2021 , 54 (2) : 133-143 .
MLA Fan, Zhong et al. "Deformation Performance of Steel Pipe Columns" . | Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology 54 . 2 (2021) : 133-143 .
APA Fan, Zhong , Chai, Huijuan , Chen, Yuchen , Zhang, Kangwei , Li, Zhenbao , Zhang, Guangping et al. Deformation Performance of Steel Pipe Columns . | Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology , 2021 , 54 (2) , 133-143 .
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Gain-margin based discrete-continuous method for the stability analysis of real-time hybrid simulation systems SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 7
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Stability prediction is a key step to implement a real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) testing successfully. There are two kinds of stability prediction methods based on continuous and discrete transfer function. In the family of continuous transfer function based methods, the numerical and physical substructures are seen as continuous systems together with loading system. In discrete family, all subsystems in RTHS are regarded as discrete systems. Actually, in a real RTHS, the numerical substructure is discrete; the physical substructure is continuous. Meanwhile, the signal coordination is needed to balance the sampling interval between numerical solution and physical loading, which is ignored in the reported methods. In order to predict the stability of RTHS system more accurately, this work develops a discrete-continuous stability analysis method through the concept of gain margin, which can consider the performance of numerical substructure, physical substructure, loading system and signal coordination comprehensively. And the accuracy of the method is verified by SIMULINK simulation and experimental testing. Based on shaking table and actuator RTHS systems, the performance of continuous and discrete methods is compared with the proposed method analytically. The results show that the discrete method and continuous method have slight influence on the stability prediction with a small integration step (e.g 1 ms). However, with the increase of integration step, compared with the discrete-continuous method, the discrete method and continuous method may overestimate or underestimate the stability of a real RTHS system.

关键词 :

Stability analysis Stability analysis Gain margin Gain margin Signal coordination Signal coordination Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) Discrete-continuous method Discrete-continuous method



GB/T 7714 Hong, Yue , Tang, Zhenyun , Liu, Hao et al. Gain-margin based discrete-continuous method for the stability analysis of real-time hybrid simulation systems [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2021 , 148 .
MLA Hong, Yue et al. "Gain-margin based discrete-continuous method for the stability analysis of real-time hybrid simulation systems" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 148 (2021) .
APA Hong, Yue , Tang, Zhenyun , Liu, Hao , Li, Zhenbao , Du, Xiuli . Gain-margin based discrete-continuous method for the stability analysis of real-time hybrid simulation systems . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2021 , 148 .
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Housner模型在隔震储罐计算中的适用性研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 36 (4) , 1-7 | 世界地震工程
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

Housner模型 Housner模型 摩擦摆 摩擦摆 子结构试验 子结构试验 储罐 储罐 隔震 隔震



GB/T 7714 洪越 , 唐贞云 , 李振宝 . Housner模型在隔震储罐计算中的适用性研究 [J]. | 世界地震工程 , 2020 , 36 (4) : 1-7 .
MLA 洪越 et al. "Housner模型在隔震储罐计算中的适用性研究" . | 世界地震工程 36 . 4 (2020) : 1-7 .
APA 洪越 , 唐贞云 , 李振宝 . Housner模型在隔震储罐计算中的适用性研究 . | 世界地震工程 , 2020 , 36 (4) , 1-7 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 49 (11) , 24-30,36 | 施工技术
CNKI被引次数: 2
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :


关键词 :

模块化钢结构建筑 模块化钢结构建筑 结构体系 结构体系 连接节点 连接节点 螺栓连接 螺栓连接



GB/T 7714 王文静 , 李志武 , 于春义 et al. 模块化钢结构建筑结构体系研究进展 [J]. | 施工技术 , 2020 , 49 (11) : 24-30,36 .
MLA 王文静 et al. "模块化钢结构建筑结构体系研究进展" . | 施工技术 49 . 11 (2020) : 24-30,36 .
APA 王文静 , 李志武 , 于春义 , 刘洋 , 叶浩文 , 李振宝 . 模块化钢结构建筑结构体系研究进展 . | 施工技术 , 2020 , 49 (11) , 24-30,36 .
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