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Effect of Thermal Cycling on Grain Evolution and Micro-Segregation in Selective Laser Melting of FGH96 Superalloy SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (1) | METALS
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Extremely rapid heating and cooling rates during the additive manufacturing (AM) process generate complicated thermal cycles, which affect the microstructure evolution and ultimate mechanical properties of the alloy. In this paper, FGH96 blocks with a height of 6 mm were prepared by selective laser melting (SLM) and the microstructure was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Comparing specimens of varying heights, it was found that subsequent thermal cycles (STC) coarsened some solidified grains and accelerated the grain growth along the build direction, together with an increase in texture intensity and high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs). After coarsening the grains in the middle portion of the built block, finer grains were observed near the top area due to a faster cooling rate. There were numerous dislocations in the grain because of the occurrence of unequal internal tension. In the middle of the sample with stable thermal cycles, the dislocations were both perpendicular to the grain growth direction and 45 degrees off it. In spite of the texture characteristics, the segregation of elements was also found to be influenced by thermal cycling. Inherent reheating leads to the increase in the Laves phase and the decrease in the gamma' phase as subsequent deposition. This was also one of the reasons why the microhardness of the sample decreased as the building height and the other reason being the decrease in the solution treatment of the later sediments.

关键词 :

thermal cycles thermal cycles micro-segregation micro-segregation microstructure evolution microstructure evolution selective laser melting selective laser melting



GB/T 7714 Li, Lin , Liu, Furong , Nie, Shijin et al. Effect of Thermal Cycling on Grain Evolution and Micro-Segregation in Selective Laser Melting of FGH96 Superalloy [J]. | METALS , 2023 , 13 (1) .
MLA Li, Lin et al. "Effect of Thermal Cycling on Grain Evolution and Micro-Segregation in Selective Laser Melting of FGH96 Superalloy" . | METALS 13 . 1 (2023) .
APA Li, Lin , Liu, Furong , Nie, Shijin , Wang, Qin , Zhao, Rongxia , Zhang, Yongzhi et al. Effect of Thermal Cycling on Grain Evolution and Micro-Segregation in Selective Laser Melting of FGH96 Superalloy . | METALS , 2023 , 13 (1) .
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Control of ferromagnetic resonance by phase change in Si/GeSbTe/ FeCoB heterostructures SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 2
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摘要 :

Phase-change materials (PCMs) provide an alternative avenue for modulating the adjacent layer property through interfacial effect, which sometimes is more effective than the traditional methods. Here, a systematic study of the phase-change induced control of FMR resonance field in Si/GeSbTe/FeCoB heterostructures is presented. We show that different crystalline phases induced by thermal anneal in GeSbTe/FeCoB films contribute to large shifts in resonance field of FeCoB up to 15 mT. The correlation between GeSbTe phase change and anisotropic field of FeCoB is confirmed from the GeSbTe film morphology dependent of stress. These results propose a method of phase-change induced control of FMR resonant field and ferromagnetism in PCM/ferromagnetic alloy film heterostructures by controlling interface roughness, which can be introduced in the optimization of ferromagnetic alloy film parameters and development of high functioning magnetic devices.

关键词 :

Annealing Annealing Ferromagnetic resonance Ferromagnetic resonance Heterostructures Heterostructures Phase-change material Phase-change material



GB/T 7714 Wei, Yuyi , Wang, Jiawei , Wang, Xinjun et al. Control of ferromagnetic resonance by phase change in Si/GeSbTe/ FeCoB heterostructures [J]. | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS , 2021 , 538 .
MLA Wei, Yuyi et al. "Control of ferromagnetic resonance by phase change in Si/GeSbTe/ FeCoB heterostructures" . | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 538 (2021) .
APA Wei, Yuyi , Wang, Jiawei , Wang, Xinjun , Chen, Huaihao , Yu, Chengju , He, Yifan et al. Control of ferromagnetic resonance by phase change in Si/GeSbTe/ FeCoB heterostructures . | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS , 2021 , 538 .
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A phase-change mechanism of gst-sl based superlattices upon sb flipping EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 14 (2) , 1-8 | Materials
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摘要 :

Reversible phase-change behaviors of Ge–Sb–Te based superlattices (GST-SL) were studied by ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations based on three models containing Ge/Sb intermixing, namely the Petrov-mix, Ferro-mix, and Kooi-mix models. The flipping behavior of Sb atoms was found in all the three GST-SL models in the melting process. Among them the Kooi-mix model exhibited the best stability, and the analyses of bond length distribution and electron localization function provided a better explanation on the phase transition of GST-SL. Finally, we proposed a fast switching model for GST-SL based on Sb flipping. © 2021 by the authors. Li-censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

关键词 :

Bond length Bond length Molecular dynamics Molecular dynamics



GB/T 7714 Sun, Teng , Liu, Furong , Guo, Jicheng et al. A phase-change mechanism of gst-sl based superlattices upon sb flipping [J]. | Materials , 2021 , 14 (2) : 1-8 .
MLA Sun, Teng et al. "A phase-change mechanism of gst-sl based superlattices upon sb flipping" . | Materials 14 . 2 (2021) : 1-8 .
APA Sun, Teng , Liu, Furong , Guo, Jicheng , Han, Gang , Zhang, Yongzhi . A phase-change mechanism of gst-sl based superlattices upon sb flipping . | Materials , 2021 , 14 (2) , 1-8 .
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Effect of structure architecture on optical properties of TiTe2/Sb2Te3 multilayer nanofilms SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
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摘要 :

Heterostructural materials have the advantage of extreme low switching energy between states and hence are expected to be applied in photonic devices, whose optical performances are vital to explore in advance. In this paper, crystal structures of TiTe2/Sb2Te3 heterostructural films and their effects on optical properties were clarified from the aspects of in-plane strain, resonant bonding and charge redistribution by experiments and first principle simulations. Larger strain in Sb2Te3 sublayer tended to decrease reflectivity and refractive indexes, while huge resonant bonding effect was beneficial to improve the optical parameter deviations. Charge analyses showed that crystalline optical property variations were actually deriving from the electron redistribution differences especially near the heterostructural Te center dot center dot center dot Te gap, which also accounted for experimental reflectivity order. Finally, based on the resonant bond effects and surrounding electron density after stimuluses, five optical levels with identifiable optical contrasts (n and Delta R) were achieved in 1/2 model for uses. The present study sheds new light on optical properties of TiTe2/Sb2Te3 and paves the way for potential multi-state applications of heterostructure in photonic and storage devices. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词 :

First principle simulation First principle simulation Optical properties Optical properties Heterostructure Heterostructure Charge distribution Charge distribution



GB/T 7714 Han, Gang , Liu, Furong , Zhang, Yongzhi et al. Effect of structure architecture on optical properties of TiTe2/Sb2Te3 multilayer nanofilms [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 877 .
MLA Han, Gang et al. "Effect of structure architecture on optical properties of TiTe2/Sb2Te3 multilayer nanofilms" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 877 (2021) .
APA Han, Gang , Liu, Furong , Zhang, Yongzhi , Li, Jingwen , Li, Wenqiang , Chen, Qingyuan et al. Effect of structure architecture on optical properties of TiTe2/Sb2Te3 multilayer nanofilms . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2021 , 877 .
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Design of an electric-driven nonvolatile low-energy-consumption phase change optical switch SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 32 (40) | NANOTECHNOLOGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 9
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Traditional optical switches relying on the weak, volatile thermo-optic or electro-optic effects of Si or SiN waveguides show a high consumption and large footprint. In this paper, we reported an electric-driven phase change optical switch consisting of a Si waveguide, Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) thin film and graphene heater suitable for large-scale integration and high-speed switching. The reversible transition between the amorphous and crystalline states was achieved by applying two different voltage pulses of 1.4 V (SET) and 4 V (RESET). The optical performance of the proposed switch showed a high extinction ration of 44-46 dB in a wide spectral range (1525-1575 nm), an effective index variation of Delta n (eff) = 0.49 and a mode loss variation of Delta alpha = 15 dB mu m(-1) at the wavelength of 1550 nm. In thermal simulations, thanks to the ultra-high thermal conductivity of graphene, the proposed switch showed that the consumption for the SET process was only 3.528 pJ with a 1.4 V pulse of 5 ns, while a 4 V pulse of 1.5 ns was needed for RESET process with a consumption of 1.05 nJ. Our work is helpful to analyze the thermal-conduction phase transition process of on-chip phase change optical switches, and the design of the low-energy-consumption switch is conducive to the integrated application of photonic chips.

关键词 :

optical switch optical switch phase change material phase change material non-volatile non-volatile low-energy-consumption low-energy-consumption graphene graphene



GB/T 7714 Li, Y. , Liu, F. R. , Han, G. et al. Design of an electric-driven nonvolatile low-energy-consumption phase change optical switch [J]. | NANOTECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 32 (40) .
MLA Li, Y. et al. "Design of an electric-driven nonvolatile low-energy-consumption phase change optical switch" . | NANOTECHNOLOGY 32 . 40 (2021) .
APA Li, Y. , Liu, F. R. , Han, G. , Chen, Q. Y. , Zhang, Y. Z. , Xie, X. X. et al. Design of an electric-driven nonvolatile low-energy-consumption phase change optical switch . | NANOTECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 32 (40) .
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Effects of Ge/Sb Intermixing on the Local Structures and Optical Properties of GeTe–Sb2Te3 Superlattice EI
会议论文 | 2020 , 1777-1786 | 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, TMS 2020
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

GeTe–Sb2Te3-based superlattice (GST-SL) is a new phase change film prepared with alternative GeTe and Sb2Te3 layers, known as interfacial phase-change material, showing strongly improved switching properties. However, the recent experiments showed that Ge/Sb atomic intermixing was hardly to be avoided and would influence the phase change process. In this paper, the effects of Ge/Sb atomic intermixing on the local structure and phase change mechanism were investigated by first-principles simulations. The free energy evolution with temperatures indicated that Ge/Sb intermixing is helpful for phase change. The bond analysis and local order parameter showed that no obvious structure changes happened when lower than 1200 K, and there were almost no fourfold Ge-tetrahedral structures even when quenched from 1500 K, different from the traditional GST materials. The Ge/Sb intermixing and its ratios can not only influence the structural transition, but also play a vital role on the optical properties. These findings enrich a deep understanding of Ge/Sb intermixing on GST-SL phase changes. © 2020, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.

关键词 :

Germanium compounds Germanium compounds Antimony compounds Antimony compounds Free energy Free energy Optical properties Optical properties Structural properties Structural properties Phase change materials Phase change materials Mixing Mixing



GB/T 7714 Han, Gang , Liu, Furong . Effects of Ge/Sb Intermixing on the Local Structures and Optical Properties of GeTe–Sb2Te3 Superlattice [C] . 2020 : 1777-1786 .
MLA Han, Gang et al. "Effects of Ge/Sb Intermixing on the Local Structures and Optical Properties of GeTe–Sb2Te3 Superlattice" . (2020) : 1777-1786 .
APA Han, Gang , Liu, Furong . Effects of Ge/Sb Intermixing on the Local Structures and Optical Properties of GeTe–Sb2Te3 Superlattice . (2020) : 1777-1786 .
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一种皮秒激光精确制备涡轮叶片冷却孔的装置及方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-03-28 | CN202010232751.1
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 刘富荣 , 孙腾 , 李文强 et al. 一种皮秒激光精确制备涡轮叶片冷却孔的装置及方法 : CN202010232751.1[P]. | 2020-03-28 .
MLA 刘富荣 et al. "一种皮秒激光精确制备涡轮叶片冷却孔的装置及方法" : CN202010232751.1. | 2020-03-28 .
APA 刘富荣 , 孙腾 , 李文强 , 韩钊 , 李玉 , 陈清远 . 一种皮秒激光精确制备涡轮叶片冷却孔的装置及方法 : CN202010232751.1. | 2020-03-28 .
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Effect of laser wavelength on the thermal behavior of amorphous GST films irradiated by a single frequency-tripled picosecond laser SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
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摘要 :

In this paper, the effect of laser wavelength on the thermal behavior of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 (a-GST) films induced by a frequency-tripled picosecond laser was carried out using 3D surface profile, SEM, TEM and Raman measurement. Melting thresholds of a-GST films with different wavelengths of 355 nm (3.5 mJ/cm(2)), 532 nm (28 mJ/cm(2)) and 1064 nm (22.3 mJ/cm(2)) were obtained, respectively. It showed that with the increase of wavelength from 355 to 532 and 1064 nm, pit morphologies and crystallization degree didn't follow a monotonous relation, which were mainly affected by melting threshold, optical penetration depth as well as photon energy. TEM images demonstrated that 532 nm laser-treated samples got more complete crystallization than those 355 nm laser treated. Besides, for the remarkable discrepancy in optical penetration depth among the three laser wavelengths, the crystallization process of a-GST at 355 and 532 nm wavelengths performed with a surficial heating mode, different from that at 1064 nm wavelength with a body heating mode. The present study paves the way to achieve the big-data storage using different wavelengths.

关键词 :

Frequency-tripled picosecond laser Frequency-tripled picosecond laser Ge2Sb2Te5 Ge2Sb2Te5 Phase-change material Phase-change material Phase transformation Phase transformation



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Y. Z. , Liu, F. R. , Wang, Z. M. et al. Effect of laser wavelength on the thermal behavior of amorphous GST films irradiated by a single frequency-tripled picosecond laser [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 121 .
MLA Zhang, Y. Z. et al. "Effect of laser wavelength on the thermal behavior of amorphous GST films irradiated by a single frequency-tripled picosecond laser" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 121 (2020) .
APA Zhang, Y. Z. , Liu, F. R. , Wang, Z. M. , Guo, J. C. , Liu, W. Q. , Sun, N. X. . Effect of laser wavelength on the thermal behavior of amorphous GST films irradiated by a single frequency-tripled picosecond laser . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 121 .
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A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 3
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摘要 :

Achieving multi-level properties of chalcogenide phase change materials is highly desirable for high-density data storage, photonic switches and neuromorphic computing etc. In this paper, we report a multi-level implement scheme via a two-step picosecond laser irradiation strategy on the basis of time/space modulations of microstructure and property of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) phase change thin films. Unlike the common grey-scale method by multiple laser irradiations at a fixed position, multi-levels of optical properties were obtained by two-step overlapping laser irradiations together with such varied parameters as the overlapping ratio, input energy and two-pulse duration. Variations of the microstructure and optical property were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and microarea reflectance testing. It showed that the overlapping ratio was an important factor to adjust microstructure patterns and optical properties. With the increase of the overlapping ratio, the optical reflectivity presented a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, mainly because of the effects of the size and distribution of grains from the second laser irradiations. Based on the scheme proposed, a 10-level optical reflectivity could be obtained. The fundamental research performed in this study is of importance to give guideline for high-density storage or big-data processing with phase change materials in the future.

关键词 :

chalcogenide phase change materials chalcogenide phase change materials microstructure microstructure multi-level optical reflectivity multi-level optical reflectivity two-step laser irradiation scheme two-step laser irradiation scheme



GB/T 7714 Zhang, Y. Z. , Liu, F. R. , Han, Z. et al. A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property [J]. | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 35 (3) .
MLA Zhang, Y. Z. et al. "A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property" . | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35 . 3 (2020) .
APA Zhang, Y. Z. , Liu, F. R. , Han, Z. , Li, W. Q. , Huang, Y. , Sun, N. X. . A multi-level optical storage scheme via two-step picosecond laser irradiations: time/space modulations of microstructure and its optical property . | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 35 (3) .
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Ultrafast temporal-spatial dynamics of amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition in Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film triggered by multiple femtosecond laser pulses irradiation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 31 (11) | NANOTECHNOLOGY
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Studies have shown that the crystallization phase state of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) can be reversibly modulated by femtosecond (fs) laser multiple pulses, which have excellent applications in reconfigurable multi-level operation fields. In this study, the temporal-spatial crystalline evolution dynamics of amorphous GST film is investigated during two fs laser pulses excitation through a pump-probe shadowgraph imaging technique. A quasi-amorphous phase state, which is different from that in the initial as-deposited amorphous GST, is emerged through the first fs laser pulse excitation with a pulse energy lower than crystallization threshold. The experimental results reveal that a crystallization enhancement effect can be induced through the second pulse excitation based on this quasi-amorphous surface structure. The stimulative cluster generated in the quasi-amorphous reduces the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition threshold for the second fs laser pulse irradiation. The spatially-resolved phase-transition threshold extension effect in a horizontal direction is proposed with the increasing pulse number to summarize the mechanism of the crystallization enhancement effect. The specific-grain-appearance (coarse grains and fine grains representing different phase transition approach) distributed area induced by single and double fs laser pulses irradiation are experimentally demonstrated corresponding to threshold extension theory.

关键词 :

multiple pulse femtosecond laser multiple pulse femtosecond laser phase transition evolution phase transition evolution quasi-amorphous phase state quasi-amorphous phase state temporal-spatial-resolved dynamics temporal-spatial-resolved dynamics



GB/T 7714 Han, Z. H. , Han, W. N. , Liu, F. R. et al. Ultrafast temporal-spatial dynamics of amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition in Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film triggered by multiple femtosecond laser pulses irradiation [J]. | NANOTECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 31 (11) .
MLA Han, Z. H. et al. "Ultrafast temporal-spatial dynamics of amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition in Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film triggered by multiple femtosecond laser pulses irradiation" . | NANOTECHNOLOGY 31 . 11 (2020) .
APA Han, Z. H. , Han, W. N. , Liu, F. R. , Han, Z. , Yuan, Y. P. , Cheng, Z. C. . Ultrafast temporal-spatial dynamics of amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition in Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film triggered by multiple femtosecond laser pulses irradiation . | NANOTECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 31 (11) .
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