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一种基于MEC的局部多车统一决策方法 incoPat
专利 | 2020-03-28 | CN202010232742.2
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摘要 :

一种基于MEC的局部多车统一决策方法属于交通领域。所述的决策规划算法是运行在MEC上的,过高精度定位器、V2X通信、激光雷达、毫米波雷达以及摄像机等多种方法,获取到群组内的所有车辆的坐标位置、车辆的长宽、速度大小、以及车身倾斜程度等信息。将这些信息由中心车辆通过V2X通信传送给MEC服务器并由运行的遗传算法进行决策处理。然后,MEC服务器通过V2X将决策的结果发送给中心车辆,中心车辆再将各自的决策结果发给相应的车辆。本发明是一种更加智能、便捷且成本较低决策方法, 可以通过统一的综合规划一定范围内的所有车辆的决策,使得整个群组的决策达到最优,避免了各自规划导致的效率下降,有利于大规模地推广使用。



GB/T 7714 卢晓威 , 王健 , 邹炳宇 et al. 一种基于MEC的局部多车统一决策方法 : CN202010232742.2[P]. | 2020-03-28 .
MLA 卢晓威 et al. "一种基于MEC的局部多车统一决策方法" : CN202010232742.2. | 2020-03-28 .
APA 卢晓威 , 王健 , 邹炳宇 , 蔡永泉 . 一种基于MEC的局部多车统一决策方法 : CN202010232742.2. | 2020-03-28 .
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A secure and size efficient approach to enhance the performance of text steganographic algorithm EI
会议论文 | 2019 , 402-407 | 11th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2019
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Steganography is a fundamental and foremost approach that is used to ensure confidentiality of secret data. It is an art, which ensures invisible communication by concealing secret information in cover media through scientific techniques. The text steganography has a great challenge of security, robustness and size of stego text. In current studies, an improved, lightweight, secure, robust and size efficient technique is proposed for text steganography that also enhances the performance of existing approaches. To achieve the objectives, algorithm applies a conditional bit-complement function on binary value of confidential information. Moreover, start and end bits are also inserted during embedding secret information in cover text and confirms the integrity and confidentiality of secret data. Experimental results revealed that projected approach is more robust and secure without any stego key overhead. Furthermore, it has successfully achieved a size efficient stego text. Therefore, the secret information exhibits harder to track © 2019 IEEE.

关键词 :

Steganography Steganography Cryptography Cryptography



GB/T 7714 Azeem, Muhammad , Cai, Yongquan , Rana, Khurram Gulzar et al. A secure and size efficient approach to enhance the performance of text steganographic algorithm [C] . 2019 : 402-407 .
MLA Azeem, Muhammad et al. "A secure and size efficient approach to enhance the performance of text steganographic algorithm" . (2019) : 402-407 .
APA Azeem, Muhammad , Cai, Yongquan , Rana, Khurram Gulzar , Shaukat, Zeeshan , Ditta, Allah . A secure and size efficient approach to enhance the performance of text steganographic algorithm . (2019) : 402-407 .
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An efficient access control scheme based on CP-ABE with supporting attribute change in cloud storage systems EI
期刊论文 | 2019 , 16 (1) , 41-49 | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

The CP-ABE-based access control scheme, which can better realise the access control of many-to-multi-ciphertext shared in the cloud storage architecture, is still facing the problems that the system cost is too large, and the policy attribute revocation or restore is not flexible. This paper proposes an efficient access control scheme based on CP-ABE with supporting attribute change in cloud storage system. The fine-grained access control can be achieved by re-encryption mechanism which takes the minimum shared re-encryption key for policy attribute set. And then the access structure tree is expanded by creating a corresponding virtual attribute for each leaf node attribute. The analysis results of the scheme indicate that the efficient and flexibility of the attribute change is not only improved, but also the system cost is reduced. Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

关键词 :

Access control Access control Cost benefit analysis Cost benefit analysis Cryptography Cryptography



GB/T 7714 Ye, Tao , Cai, Yongquan , Zhao, Xu et al. An efficient access control scheme based on CP-ABE with supporting attribute change in cloud storage systems [J]. | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing , 2019 , 16 (1) : 41-49 .
MLA Ye, Tao et al. "An efficient access control scheme based on CP-ABE with supporting attribute change in cloud storage systems" . | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 16 . 1 (2019) : 41-49 .
APA Ye, Tao , Cai, Yongquan , Zhao, Xu , Yang, Yongli , Wang, Wei , Zhu, Yi . An efficient access control scheme based on CP-ABE with supporting attribute change in cloud storage systems . | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing , 2019 , 16 (1) , 41-49 .
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ID-based dynamic replicated data auditing for the cloud SCIE
WoS核心集被引次数: 4
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摘要 :

As an essential component of cloud computing, cloud storage provides flexible data storage services for individuals and organizations. By storing multiple replicas of data in servers, cloud storage providers (CSPs) can improve availability and stability of the cloud storage service. To ensure that all data replicas of a cloud user are intact and completely stored in the CSP, many multi-replica cloud auditing schemes have been proposed. However, such schemes are predominantly based on the public key infrastructure (PKI), which incurs complex certificate management. In addition, existing schemes do not consider support for sector-level dynamic auditing. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained dynamic multi-replica data auditing scheme that has the following features: (1) it uses ID-based cryptography to eliminate the cost of certificate management, (2) it supports efficient sector-level dynamic operations on cloud user data, and (3) it optimizes the challenge algorithm to reduce the computational cost of the third party auditor (TPA). We show that the proposed scheme is provably secure based on a random oracle model. The performance analysis and experiments show the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

关键词 :

data integrity data integrity dynamic operation dynamic operation ID-based cryptography ID-based cryptography replicated data auditing replicated data auditing



GB/T 7714 Yu, Haiyang , Cai, Yongquan , Sinnott, Richard O. et al. ID-based dynamic replicated data auditing for the cloud [J]. | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE , 2019 , 31 (11) .
MLA Yu, Haiyang et al. "ID-based dynamic replicated data auditing for the cloud" . | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE 31 . 11 (2019) .
APA Yu, Haiyang , Cai, Yongquan , Sinnott, Richard O. , Yang, Zhen . ID-based dynamic replicated data auditing for the cloud . | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE , 2019 , 31 (11) .
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Secure Self-healing Group Key Distribution Scheme with Constant Storage for SCADA Systems in Smart Grid SCIE
期刊论文 | 2018 , 101 (3) , 1749-1763 | WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS
WoS核心集被引次数: 8
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

Smart grid has a great advantage over the traditional power grid and it is a critical condition in people's daily life. The security of data communication in smart grid is important and needs to be efficiently guaranteed. The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems is in charge of supervising the sensitive process. In SCADA systems, the secure communication between control center and remote terminal units can be achieved by the key distribution mechanism. However, the remote terminal units are resource-constrained and sometimes are not available so that they cannot receive the session key updating broadcast. Self-healing is an efficient mechanism to calculate missing session keys by using later broadcast messages. In this paper, we propose an efficient self-healing group key distribution scheme for SCADA systems. The security analysis illustrates that our scheme satisfy the basic security properties defined in security model. According to the performance evaluation from storage and communication cost viewpoints, the proposed scheme is efficient.

关键词 :

Key distribution Key distribution SCADA systems SCADA systems Security Security Self-healing Self-healing



GB/T 7714 Tsitaitse, Tahadray Jean , Cai, Yongquan , Ditta, Allah . Secure Self-healing Group Key Distribution Scheme with Constant Storage for SCADA Systems in Smart Grid [J]. | WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS , 2018 , 101 (3) : 1749-1763 .
MLA Tsitaitse, Tahadray Jean et al. "Secure Self-healing Group Key Distribution Scheme with Constant Storage for SCADA Systems in Smart Grid" . | WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS 101 . 3 (2018) : 1749-1763 .
APA Tsitaitse, Tahadray Jean , Cai, Yongquan , Ditta, Allah . Secure Self-healing Group Key Distribution Scheme with Constant Storage for SCADA Systems in Smart Grid . | WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS , 2018 , 101 (3) , 1749-1763 .
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一种恶意代码混淆特征清洗方法 incoPat
专利 | 2018-01-08 | CN201810013584.4
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摘要 :




GB/T 7714 王栎汉 , 宁振虎 , 薛菲 et al. 一种恶意代码混淆特征清洗方法 : CN201810013584.4[P]. | 2018-01-08 .
MLA 王栎汉 et al. "一种恶意代码混淆特征清洗方法" : CN201810013584.4. | 2018-01-08 .
APA 王栎汉 , 宁振虎 , 薛菲 , 蔡永泉 , 梁鹏 . 一种恶意代码混淆特征清洗方法 : CN201810013584.4. | 2018-01-08 .
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一种自动化检测恶意代码核心特征方法 incoPat
专利 | 2018-01-08 | CN201810013616.0
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :




GB/T 7714 王栎汉 , 宁振虎 , 薛菲 et al. 一种自动化检测恶意代码核心特征方法 : CN201810013616.0[P]. | 2018-01-08 .
MLA 王栎汉 et al. "一种自动化检测恶意代码核心特征方法" : CN201810013616.0. | 2018-01-08 .
APA 王栎汉 , 宁振虎 , 薛菲 , 蔡永泉 , 梁鹏 . 一种自动化检测恶意代码核心特征方法 : CN201810013616.0. | 2018-01-08 .
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Cloud outsourcing computing security protocol of matrix multiplication computation based on similarity transformation EI
期刊论文 | 2018 , 14 (1) , 90-96 | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

With the emergence of the cloud computing paradigm in scientific and business applications, computation outsourcing to the cloud has become a popular application in the age of cloud computing. However, this computing paradigm brings in some new security concerns and challenges, such as input/output privacy and result verifiability. In this paper we use similar transformation of matrix to design secure verifiable and practical outsourcing protocol for matrix multiplication calculation. Compared with those existing outsourcing protocols, our protocol has obvious improvement concerning both efficiency and security. In order to check the correctness of the result returned from the cloud, an efficient verification algorithm is employed. Computational complexity analysis shows that our protocol is highly efficient. © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

关键词 :

Cloud computing Cloud computing Linear transformations Linear transformations Matrix algebra Matrix algebra Outsourcing Outsourcing Verification Verification



GB/T 7714 Kong, Shanshan , Cai, Yongquan , Xue, Fei et al. Cloud outsourcing computing security protocol of matrix multiplication computation based on similarity transformation [J]. | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing , 2018 , 14 (1) : 90-96 .
MLA Kong, Shanshan et al. "Cloud outsourcing computing security protocol of matrix multiplication computation based on similarity transformation" . | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 14 . 1 (2018) : 90-96 .
APA Kong, Shanshan , Cai, Yongquan , Xue, Fei , Yu, Haiyang , Ditta, Allah . Cloud outsourcing computing security protocol of matrix multiplication computation based on similarity transformation . | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing , 2018 , 14 (1) , 90-96 .
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Information hiding: A novel algorithm for enhancement of cover text capacity by using unicode characters EI
期刊论文 | 2018 , 10 (4) , 437-453 | International Journal of Information and Computer Security
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

From centuries, information security has been an attractive topic for security officials, intruders, hackers and other communication sectors throughout the world. Cryptography and steganography are widely practiced for secure communication over the internet. In steganography, data hiding capacity has been a great challenge for the research community and security officials. In this research, a novel algorithm is elaborated to conceal secret data with higher cover text capacity by using three different unicode characters such as zero width joiner, zero width non-joiner and zero width character. English text is taken as a message carrier. Before embedding a secret message into cover text, one's complement is applied on binary value of specific characters in secret message. Furthermore, 'Steger' is developed for the practical implementation of designed algorithm. The results revealed that newly designed algorithm reported higher data hiding capacity with security and size efficiency. This is an astonishing increase in data hiding capacity of carrier text. The unicode approach was efficiently and effectively used to reduce the attention of intruders. © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

关键词 :

Personal computing Personal computing Steganography Steganography



GB/T 7714 Azeem, Muhammad , Yongquan, Cai , Ditta, Allah et al. Information hiding: A novel algorithm for enhancement of cover text capacity by using unicode characters [J]. | International Journal of Information and Computer Security , 2018 , 10 (4) : 437-453 .
MLA Azeem, Muhammad et al. "Information hiding: A novel algorithm for enhancement of cover text capacity by using unicode characters" . | International Journal of Information and Computer Security 10 . 4 (2018) : 437-453 .
APA Azeem, Muhammad , Yongquan, Cai , Ditta, Allah , Rana, Khurram Gulzar , Rajpoot, Faheem Akhtar . Information hiding: A novel algorithm for enhancement of cover text capacity by using unicode characters . | International Journal of Information and Computer Security , 2018 , 10 (4) , 437-453 .
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Research on parallelisation of collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on Spark EI
期刊论文 | 2018 , 14 (4) , 312-319 | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
摘要&关键词 引用

摘要 :

More and more people become conscious of the recommendation system to make good use of the data through their inherent advantages faced with the large amount of data on the Internet. The collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm cannot avoid the bottleneck of computing performance problems in the recommendation process. In this paper, we propose a parallel collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm RLPSO-KM-CF which is implemented based on Spark. Firstly, the RLPSO (reverse-learning and local-learning PSO) algorithm is used to find the optimal solution of particle swarm and output the optimised clustering centre. Then, the RLPSO-KM algorithm is used to cluster the user information. Finally, make effective recommendations to the target user by combining the traditional user-based collaborative filtering algorithm with the RLPSO-KM clustering algorithm. The experimental results show that the RLPSO-KM-CF algorithm has a significant improvement in the recommendation accuracy and has a higher speed-up and stability. Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

关键词 :

Collaborative filtering Collaborative filtering Electric sparks Electric sparks K-means clustering K-means clustering Particle swarm optimization (PSO) Particle swarm optimization (PSO)



GB/T 7714 Yang, Yongli , Ning, Zhenhu , Cai, Yongquan et al. Research on parallelisation of collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on Spark [J]. | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing , 2018 , 14 (4) : 312-319 .
MLA Yang, Yongli et al. "Research on parallelisation of collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on Spark" . | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 14 . 4 (2018) : 312-319 .
APA Yang, Yongli , Ning, Zhenhu , Cai, Yongquan , Liang, Peng , Liu, Haifeng . Research on parallelisation of collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on Spark . | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing , 2018 , 14 (4) , 312-319 .
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